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19 Cards in this Set

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What is the most important thing to make sure the pt knows about antibiotics?
Use only when completely necessary, complete round
If someone is on a broad spectrum antibiotic what would you tell them to be looking for?
s/sx super infection
what causes superinfections when a person is on broad spectrum antibiotics
due to destruction of the normal flora
when you have someon coming to ICU and they start them on a broad antibiotic what is the main thing you need to make sure has been done b4 first dose and then watch for results
culture and sensitivity test
if you have a pt taking clindamycin/cleomycin/clinda and they develop severe diarrhea after they finish round what might that be caused by?
Change in the normal flora
When you are looking at a culture and sensitivity what is the culture part of this?
The actual grown organism
If you have someone who is using clindamycin and they develop urticaria (itching hives rash) reaction
A good nursing diagnosis for this person would be injuries related to allergic reactions
A person started on a flouroquinalone (cipro, levaquin) what would be most important nursing assessment
CBC due to bone marrow depression
With genitourinary infection like Chlamydia and the pt is allergic to penicillin what is the next best choice
With floraquinalones what is a contraindications
Pt on sulfadrug what is something they can do to watch for photosensitivity?
Wear sunscreen outside and wear protective clothing
If a pt is on a macroglide (zythromycin)class and they develop diarrhea what would be most important
Check stool for blood or mucous
With cipro and floraquinalones and taking multivitamins when would you advise the pt to take them?
2 hours b4 or 2 hours after
Pt been in hospital and on antibiotic and being discharged home on them what is the most important pt teaching you want to perform
Pt has scheduled followup appts and they keep them
Pt is on clindamycin what baseline would you want to obtain first
what antibiotic is approved to treat anthrax
vanco needs to be administered over how long? to prevent what?
60 minutes
nephrotoxicity and ottotoxicity
peptic ulcer disease is usually caused by what bug?
H Pylori
flouroquinolones end in