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48 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Divisions of the mediastinum
Inferior - Anterior, middle, posterior
Clinical conditions affecting relationships within mediastinum
Sucking, tension pneumothorax
Lymphoma - lymphadenopathy
Contents of sup[erior mediastinum (A-P)
Great vessels related to heart, pericardium
Brachiocephalic veins
Arch of aorta, roots of major branches
Vagus and phrenic nerves
Cardiac plexus of nerves
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Thoracic duct
Arterial supply to thymus
Branches of internal thoracic arteries
Venous supply to thymus
Inferior thyroid veins
Internal thoracic veins
"Venous angle"
Junction of left and right brachiocephalic veins
Lymph drainage into left brachiocephalic vein (left venous angle)
From thoracic duct (3/4 of body)
Lymphatic drainage into right brachiocephalic vein (right venous angle)
lymph from right lymphatic duct (drains upper right quadrant of body)
Veins that drain into the venous angle.
Upper - inferior thyroid vein
Lower - internal thoracic, left superior intercostal veins
Source of blood in left brachiocephalic vein
Head, neck, left upper limb to (SVC) right atrium
Source of blood in right brachiocephalic vein
head, neck, right upper limb to (SVC) right atrium
SVC receives blood from...
All structures superior to diaphragm except lung and heart
Arch of the azygous vein (structures in posterior body wall)
Redirection of blood when SVC is occluded
Retrograde, through azygos system
Origin of right phrenic nerve
Anterior rami of C3-C5 nerves
Location (course) of right phrenic nerve
Superior thoracic aperture
Between superior vena cava and mediastinal pleura
Source of motor fibers to right half of diaphragm
Right phrenic nerve

"C3, 4, and 5 keep the diaphragm alive"
Distinguishing between vagus and phrenic nerves
Phrenic passes anterior to root of lung
Vagus passes posterior
Location of arch of the aorta
Begins at level of sternal angle
Ascends anterior to pulmonary artery, bifurcation of trachea
Arches over root of left lung
Becomes descending aorta posterior to sternal angle (2nd left sternocostal joint)
Direction of aortic arch
Superposteriorly and to the left
Branches of the aortic arch.
Brachiocephalic trunk
Left common carotid
Left subclavian
Patent ductus arteriosus
Small opening in lumen of ductus arteriosus remains after birth.
Coarctation of the aorta
Arch or the descending aorta has an abnormal narrowing (stenosis)
Ligamentum arteriosum
Remnant of fetal ductus arteriosus
What does the ligamentum arteriosum connect
root of left pulmonary artery to inferior surface of arch of aorta
Source of the vagus nerve
Medulla of the brain
Cranial nerve corresponding to vagus nerve
X (10)
Course of vagus nerve
Exits cranium
Descend through neck posterolateral to common carotid arteries
Enters superior mediastinum posterior to sternoclavicular joints and brachiocephalic veins
Nerve that gives rise to recurrent laryngeal nerves
Vagus nerves
Vagus nerve contributes to which neural plexuses?
Cardiac Plexus
Esophageal plexus
Pulmonary plexus
Contents of anterior mediastinum
fat or inferior portion of thymus (in children)
Relative location of anterior mediastinum
Posterior to the sternum and the transverse thoracic muscles
Anterior to the fibrous pericardium
Limited by the diaphragm inferiorly
This tissue defines the middle mediastinum
Fibrous pericardium
Location of posterior mediastinum
Anterior to vertebrae T5-T12
Posterior to pericardium and diaphragm
Contents of posterior mediastinum
Main bronchi
Vagus nerve
Thoracic aorta
Thoracic duct
Azygos/hemiazygos venous system
(Sympathetic trunk)
(Thoracoabdominal splanchnic nerves)
Branches of the thoracic aorta
Bronchial arteries
Posterior intercostal arteries
Esophageal arteries
3 normal constrictions of esophageal lumen
Pharyngoesophageal constriction/junction - superior esophageal sphincter
Thoracic (broncho-aortic) constriction
Diaphragmatic constriction (diaphragm) - inferior esophageal sphincter at T10 level
Innervation of the esophagus
Upper 1/3rd – recurrent laryngeal
Lower 2/3rds - esophageal plexus (parasympathetic), cardiopulmonary splanchnic (sympathetic)
Origin of the thoracic duct
Chyle cistern in abdomen
Lymph nodes of the trachea
Pulmonary nodes
Inferior tracheobronchial nodes
Right or left sueprior tracheobronchial lymph nodes
Paratracheal Trunks
The azygos system drains...
Back, thoracoabdominal walls and mediastinal viscera
The hemiazygos vein arises from...
Renal vein and left ascending lumbar vein
Vein that drains intercostals level T3-T6
Accessory hemiazygos vein
3 different thoracic splanchnic nerves
Greater, lesser, least
Contents of thoracic splanchnic nerves (abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves)
Presynaptic sympathetic fibers, visceral afferent fibers
Relative locations of vagal trunks
Right --> posterior esophageal trunk
Left --> anterior vagal trunk
"LARP" - Left goes Anterior, Right goes Posterior

It twists clockwise
Site of synapse for abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves
Prevertebral ganglia
Sympathetic fibers carried in cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves
Postsynaptic sympathetic fibers
Site of synapse for sympathetic fibers carried by cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves
Paravertebral ganglia