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49 Cards in this Set

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Credit Mobilier
a construction company formed by stock holders in the Union Pacific Railroad. The company would lay a track for two to three times the actual price and pocket the profit.
pg. 238
Mary Harris "Mother" Jones
One of the most prominent organizers in the women's labor movement. Supported the Great Strike of 1877, organized for the United Mine Workers of America (UMW), and led a march of 80 mill children to the home of President Theodore Roosevelt. She endured many death threats and jail time, but she was feared by many people.
pg. 248
Thomas Nast
A political cartoonist who helped arouse public outrage against Tammany Hall's gaft - the illegal use of political influence for personal gain
pg. 269
Christopher Sholes
invented the typewriter
pg. 233
Jim Crow Laws
racial segregation laws
pg. 287
Horatio Alger Jr.
author of rags-to-riches
pg. 242
Ellis Island
In New York Harbor, immigration station where they were detained and inspected. Most of them were Europeans.
pg. 256
The Circus
used to get away from the city, Barnum & Bailey Circus, arrived by railroad and staged a parade to advertise the show
pg. 298
The Niagara Movement
Insisted blacks should seek a liberal arts education so the African American communities will have well-educated leaders.
pg. 285
Angel Island
In the San Francisco Bay, much more harsh than Ellis Island, stayed longer, mostly Chinese
pg. 257
Jane Addams
One of the most influential members of the Social Gospel movement, founded settlement houses - provided educational, cultural, and social services to the urban poor. She was an antiwar activist, spokesperson for racial justice, and an advocate for quality-of-life issues. She also cofounded Chicago's Hull House.
pg. 266
James Otis
designed the elevator
The Gospel of Wealth
Andrew Carnegie's article about the responsibility of a wealthy man to redistribute his wealth for the growth of others
Ashcan School of American art
Led by Thomas Eakins' s student Robert Henri. Painted urban life and working people with gritty realism and no frills.
pg. 295
Scott Joplin
African American pianist and composer created the blend of African American spirituals and European music and called it ragtime music Ragtime led into jazz, rhythm and blues, and rock 'n' roll
pg. 299
Edwin L. Drake
successfully used a steam engine to drill oil
pg. 231
Bessemer process
technique that involved injecting air into molten iron to remove the carbon and other impurities. By Henry Bessemer
pg. 231
Alexander Graham Bell
invented the telephone
pg. 233
Thomas Alva Edison
Pefected the incandescent light bulb, invented an entire system for producing and distributing electrical power
pg. 232
transcontinental railroad
The Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads raced to build a railroad stretching from the east to the west
pg. 237
George M. Pullman
Built a factory for manufacturing sleepers and other railroad cars. He built a town nearby for his employees. Residents lived in clean, well-constructed brick houses and apartment buildings with at least one window. The town also offered services and facilities such as doctors' offices, shops, and an athletic field, but the town was firmly under company control.
pg. 238
Munn vs . Illinois
After the Grangers' success in creating regulatory laws the railroads questioned the constitutionality of the laws. But in this case the supreme court upheld the Granger laws by vote 7-2. The states thus won the right to regulate railroads.
pg. 239
Interstate Commerce Act
established the right of the federal government to supervise railroad activities
pg. 239
vertical integration
the process of buying out one's supplier in order to control the raw materials and transportation systems
pg. 242
horizontal integration
the process of buying out one's competition
pg. 242
John D. Rockefeller
joined with competing companies in trust agreements. Also known as a robber baron because he payed his employees extremely low wages and driving his competitors out of business by selling his oil at a lower price than it cost to produce it, gaining control of the market, then raising his prices far above original levels
pg. 243
Sherman Antitrust Act
made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with fee trade between states or with other countries
pg. 244
Samuel Gompers
led the Cigar Makers' International Union to join other craft unions
pg. 245
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
led by Gompers, negotiated with representatives of labor and management to reach written agreements on wages, hours, and working conditions.
pg. 246
Eugene V. Debs
attempted to form a union that included both skilled and unskilled workers, American Railway Union
pg. 246
International Workers of the World (IWW)
gave dignity and a sense of solidarity to unskilled workers and included African Americans
pg. 246
Gentleman's Agreement
Japan's government agreed to limit immigration of unskilled workers to the United States
pg. 259
Americanization movement
designed to assimilate people of wide ranging cultures into one dominant culture
pg. 263
multifamily urban dwellings
p. 264
mass transit
transportation systems designed to move large numbers of people along fixed routes
pg. 264
political machine
organized group that controlled the activities of a political party in a city
pg, 268
the giving of government jobs to the people who helped a candidate get elected
pg. 270
civi service
government administration
pg. 270
Rutherford B. Hayes
could not get Congress to support the reform so he named independents to his cabinet, and set up a commission to investigate the nation's customhouses
pg. 270
James A. Garfield
was assassinated by a Stalwart for giving reformers most of his patronage jobs
pg. 270
Chester A. Arthur
Took Garfield's place as president and turned reformer
pg. 270
Pendleton Civil Service Act
authorized a bipartisan civil service commission to make appointments to federal jobs through a merit system based on candidates' performance on an examination
pg. 270
Fredrick Law Olmsted
spearheaded the movement for planned urban parks
pg. 277
Louis Sullivan
Wainwright building in St. Louis, 10 stories tall
pg. 277
Daniel Burnham
designed the Flatiron Building
pg. 277
George Eastman
invented the camera
pg 281
Booker T. Washington
believed that racism would end when blacks aquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value
pg. 285
Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute
taught African Americans skills in agricultural, domestic, or mechanical work
pg. 285
debt peonage
a system that bound laborers in slavery in order to work off a debt to an employer
pg. 289