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31 Cards in this Set

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Continuous Reinforcement
every occurrence of the operant respond results in delivery of the reinforcer
"negative" punishment
removing a reinforcing stimulus (allowance) after response; decreases chances of response recurring
negative reinforcement
an aversive stimulus whose removal increases the likelihood of the preceding response occurring again
partial reinforcement
a situation in which responding is reinforced only some of the time
a behavioral disorder, often seen in mental retardation, that involves eating inedible objects or unhealthy substances

"positive" punishment
presenting an aversive stimulus (spanking) after a response; decreases chances of response recurring
positive reinforcement
the presentation of a stimulus that increases the probability of a behavior occurring again
a consequence that occurs after behavior and decreases chance of that behavior occurring again
schedule of reinforcement
a rule that determines how and when the occurrence of response will be followed by a reinforcer
a procedure of successive reinforcement of behaviors that lead up to or approximate the desired behavior
behavior modification
a treatment or therapy that modifies problem by using principles of learning and conditioning
cognitive map
a mental representation in the brain of the layout of an environment and its features
fixed-interval schedule
a reinforce occurs following the first response that occurs after a fixed interval of time
fixed-ratio schedule
a reinforcer occurs only after a fixed number of responses are made by the subject
inherited tendencies or responses that are displayed by newborn animals encountering certain stimuli
a mental process marked by the sudden solution to a problem; the "ah ha" phenomenon
an innate or biological tendency of animals to recognize and attend to certain cues and stimuli
superstitious behavior
behavior that increase in frequency because its occurrence is accidentally paired with the delivery of a reinforcer
variable-interval schedule
a reinforcer occurs following the first correct response after an average amount of time has passed
variables ratio
a reinforcer is delivered after an average number of correct responses has occured
adaptive value
usefulness of certain evolved abilities or traits in animals and humans that tend to increase their chances of survival
conditioned (learned) response
new response elicited by a conditioned stimulus; similar to the unconditioned (unlearned) response
conditioned (learned) stimulus
a formerly neutral stimulus that has acquired the ability to elicit the same response as the unconditioned stimulus
learning to make a particular response to some stimuli but not to others
failure of a conditioned stimulus to elicit a response when repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus
tendency for a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus to elicit the same response
natural stimulus
some stimulus that produces a response, but does not produce the reflex being tested
spontaneous recovery
tendency for the condition (learned) response to reappear after being extinguished
unconditioned (unlearned) response
an unlearned, innate, involuntary physiological reflex that is elicited by the unconditioned stimulus
unconditioned stimulus
some stimulus that triggers or elicits a physiology reflex, such as salivation or eye blink
anticipatory nausea
feelings of sickness elicited by stimuli that are associated with receiving chemotherapy treatments