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24 Cards in this Set

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Some prisoners planned a disturbance others would Sally toward the gate.

Suddenly rush forth

Under duress from the tax officer, the beggar admitted that he was truly affluent.


To the consternation of the sergeant, there was a paucity of volunteers for the dangerous mission.


It's feasible to build an electric auto, but wouldn't you need a terribly long extension cord.


When we could discern the city lights, we knew we were safe at last.

Perceive- become aware of, know

I'm from Missouri

A skeptic, one who is not easily convinced.

The children in Shakespeare's play are so precocious that they all sound like grandparents.

Reaching maturity early.

Edith gave only perfunctory attention to the new millennium, skipping over our New Years Eve party.

Done without care, superficial

The Wright brothers didn't become distraught when a sceptic would deride their work.

To ridicule, scoff at.

When I correct my kid brother's math errors, he is perverse enough to insist that he is right.

Contrary, persisting in error

To the chagrin of many taxpayers, some citizens seem to cheat the government with impunity.

Feeling of disappointment, humiliation

Red letter day

Day of happiness, time for rejoicing ( holidays are red letter days on our calendars)

The paradox is that Javert's inexorable pursuit of Jean Valjean was both laudable and despicable.


The affluent store owner disparage the efforts of his small competitor, saying that you could always tolerate that kind of rivalry.

To discredit, belittle

To aid digestion, you must masticate each piece of me one dozen times.

To chew up

In an acrimonious letter, her father described the project as a complete fiasco.

Complete failure

Once he saw the limelight, but now he eschew all interviews.


To let sleeping dogs lie

To let well enough alone, to avoid stirring up old hostilities.

When the duplicity was revealed, the jury became dubious about Ed's innocence.


On order to quell the riot, the police sallied forth with tear gas.

Put an end to

A teenage boy's father should be his true confidante.

One to whom you confide your secrets

The obsolescence built into many productions could be regarded as a flagrant insult towards the duped customer.

Process of wearing out

I could not do those in the chair because of the voluble barber.


Thumbs down

Signal of rejection