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10 Cards in this Set

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Portal Hypertension
Acute or chronic hepatocellular disease blocks blood flow through the liver- which backs up into the hepatic portal circulation
Portal hypertension in children occurs secondary to:
umbilical vein catheterization, omphalitis, neonatal sepsis
Portal hypertension in adults occurs secondary to:
trauma, sepsis, pancreatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, pancreatic carcinoma, shunts, splenectomy
Presinusidal Extrahepatic Hypertension
Thrombus of the portal or splenic veins associates with ascites, splenomegaly, varicies with a normal liver biopsy
Intrahepatic Presinusoidal Hypertension
Results of disease affecting the portal zones of the liver
Intrahepatic Portal Hypertension
Cause is usually cirrhosis
90% of cases
Portosystemic Venous Collaterals
Caused when the resistance of blood flow to the portal vessels exceeds the resistance of flow in the small communicating channel between the portal system and systemic circulation
Portal Vein Thrombosis
echogenic thrombus w/in the lumen
Expansion of the vein
Cavernous formation
Acute can be missed unless dopplered
Budd Chairi Syndrome
Occlusion of the hepatic veins lumen
Large and bulbous liver with ascites and infarcts
Caudate lobe normal looking
Budd Chairi Syndrome
Causes and Symptoms
birth control, chronic leukemia, trauma, pregnancy, renal carcinoma
-Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, more prevalent in South Africa and India