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50 Cards in this Set

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what are closely linked?

body and mind


-leading cause of preventable deaths in developed countries

-poison nicotine: acts on heart and muscle receptors

- other chemicals in cigs

-peer pressure


-celebrity examples


-pleasure comes from satisfying addiction

how does body adapt to smoking

-adapts to higher levels of nicotine by producing less in the body

- w/o cigarettes, body has low levels of nicotinic neurotransmitters --> craves another source to inc. nicotinic neurotransmitters again

how to quit smoking

-give body some external source of nicotine

- lower dose gradually, until bodes natural production back to normal

- patch

- anti-smoking programs and support groups --> usually short-term w/o strong commitment

- if social pressures resume smoking, usually give in

how are our bodies designed? (obesity)

bodies designed for famine

- good at storing energy, bad at losing energy

body mass index

-ratio of height to weight

-1/3 of americans obese

contributors to obesity?

- genetics

- gaining weight raises bodies set point = harder to loose weight

- lack of activity

-calories coming in>calories burned

- availability of healthy food

- watching TV

-social examples

whats the set point

body tries to keep min weight by reducing metabolism and fat loss after certain point

best predictor of shorter lifespan





-extra-curricular exercise opportunities

-bad role-models

social contagion

-influence of bad role-models

-bad behaviours spread like contagious disease


-social stress that causes:

-poorer health/ poorer individuals = more discrimination

family environment and health

- married people = better health

-men = more benefits bc they become less competitive, risk-taking etc. whereas women were normal to begin w. they also benefit from women's care of healthy behaviours in others


--ve external event: threatens one's well being


events/causes of stress

stress measured in 2 stages

1. cognitive appraisal: how u evaluate the threat --> less stressful if you can control

2. cognitive appraisal: what's the appropriate response. --> our bodies are adapted to deal w predators, famine etc.

whats a major source of stress?

life changes

-losing child =#1 for adult stress

what does stress active in ur body?

fight-or-flight response

- sympathetic nervous system


general adaptation syndrome

-initial rxn= fight or flight

- if persists body adapts to prolonged state of stress resistance

- if stress lasts for too long = exhaustion

- sympathetic NS and HPA axis (hormone circuit that releases cortisol)



-responds to stress

- shuts down immune system


-cope w stress in short term




-released when under stress

-reduces stress levels

- explains why married people live longer

type a pattern

-goal driven/competitive

- more vulnerable to illness/high blood pressure/ heart disease

type b pattern

- laidback

- high stress for them= PTSD


what can stress inc. likelihood of getting?

- coronary heart disease



what does nature of stress depend on?

nature of stressor

strong relationship w health

perceived daily hassles vs. positive events

coping strategy

-when faced w stress

-plan that helps reduce stress

-reduce anticipation of stress/consequences of stressful events

positive psychology

- studies what makes people happier


-tendency to be positive

- whatever happens, you can handle it view


-ability to resists/recover from stressors

whats inc. resilience?

- wealth

-social support

- opportunities for rest

post-traumatic growth

traumatic event changes mental/emotional/physical cabalities

-more capable of responding to similar stress in future

ex: prison camp person feels like they can deal w anything

-PTG and PTSD often occur together

how does the brain control the body/


-think of calming thoughts

-reduces stress



-machine hooked up to person, and gives them feedback on how their body is responding to their mind



-being more aware of thoughts/feelings

concentrative meditation: focus on thought or sound to clear mind

- relaxing (parasympathetic) can be rewarding (nucleus accumbens)

negative affectivity

-respond to stress w anxiety/aggression/anger/nervousness

-bad social outcomes

-inc. health problems

pessimistic explanatory style

-interpret life events w negative lens

-view problems as worse than they are

key aspect of coping w stress

degree that one believes they have control over the stress

learned helpelessness

believe that escaping stress is not possible

- don't try to escape stress

-generalize into other forms of stress

when people believe that don't have control over stress what are they more likely to believe in?

superstitions and conspiracies

- can explain random events, make them seem more controllable

flavanol and omega-3 can help what?


- not clear evidence

how to exercise relate to mental cognition?

boosts mental cognition

-inc. blood flow

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)

released after intense exercise

-promote growth of new synapses (connections)

problem-focused coping

behaviourally-driven coping

-aims at finding solutions to reduce stress

emotional-focused coping

aimed at reducing emotional response to stress

- when stress is beyond control

aerobic exercise and stress

-reduce stress

-inc. endorphins

- inc. energy

- sense of accomplishment

cognitive repraisal

-technique focuses on re-evaluation of nature of stressor

ex: bullying: first stressful for u, then reevaluate and feel pity towards bully

progressive relaxation technique

-recognize early signs of stress

- use as cues to start relaxing

- then focus on relaxing body

stress inoculation training

-take steps to avoid stress/ avoid being affected by stress before it happens

name steps in stress inoculation training

1. learn nature of stress

2. keep track of when it happens

3. learn problem-solving skills specific to stresses

4. learn/practice skills for controlling emotions/physcial responses to stress (so u can use #3)

5. learn cues of poor stress response (use # 3,4)

6. imagine how #3-5 will be used in more stressful situation

7. learn to apply all of these to new stressors