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10 Cards in this Set

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vanquish (vaeng kwihsh) verb
from l vincere conquer
to defeat by or as if by greater force
we vanquish teams
envince (ih vIns) verb
from latin evincere to conquer entirely to prevail over to prove irresistibly
to demonstrate clearly
the lawyer evince the judge
refractory (rih fraek tE ri) adj
from latin refractaris stubborn from refragari to oppose to withstand to thwart
obstinately disobedient difficult to control as a child or animal
the refractory kid was bad
maverick (mav rik) noun
an unbranded range animal
the maverick was roaming the pasture
panoply (PAN uh plee) noun
panoply is from greek panoplia a full suit of armor from pan all hoplia arms armor plural of hoplon
a splendid or impressive array
the panoply knight was cool
devious (dee vee us) adj
deviating from a straight line
the road was devious
au contraire (oh kno trair) noun
from french au contraire
on the contary
au contraire is a gay word
phlegmatic (fleg mat ik) adj
resembling consisting of or producing the humor phlegm
the guy was phlegmatic
diadem (DYE- uh dem) noun
the diadem give him his power
invidious (in VID ee uhs)
invidious is from latin invidiosus envious hateful causing hate or ill feeling from invidia envy
tending to provoke envy
the rich guy was invidious