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10 Cards in this Set

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expiate (EK-spee-ayt) verb transitive
1. to extinguish the guilt incurred by
2. to make amends
After the boy cheated he went to his teacher to expiate his cheatin
Torpid (Tor-pid) adj
torpid comes from latin torpidus, " numb, sluggish," from torpere, " to be sluggish inert or numb."
having lost motion or the power of exertion and feeling; numb; benumbed
after staying up all the the baseball player was torpid.
protean (pro tee un; pro-TEE-un) adj
protean is derived from proteus, an ancient greek god who had the ability to change his shape at will
displaying considerable variety or diversity
incontrovertible (in-kon-truh-VUR-tuh-buhl) adj
invontrovetible is in-, "not" + controvertile which is derived from latin controversia, a dispute from controvertere, to turn against to turn in the opposite direction to disput
too clear or certain to admit of dispute; indisputable unquestionable
the evidence was incontrovertible
spurious (SPYUR-ee-uhs) adj
spurious comes from latin, spurius, illegitimate, hance false, inauthentic
not proceeding from the true or claimed source; not genuine; false
we need at least to separate the real issue from the spurious.
Stonewall (STOHN-wawl) verb intransitive
1. chiefly british: to engage in obstructive parliamentary debate or delaying tactics
2. to be uncooperative, obstuctive or evasive.
the stonewall car almost hit the wall.
esoteric (es-uh-tair-IK) adj
designed for or understood by a small number of people; broadly: difficult to understand.
xbox was once a esoteric idea.
disparate (DISS-puh-rut) adj
containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous elements
eric often complained about the disparate expectations for himself.
submerge (sEb muhrj) verb
from L sumbmergere to plnge under, sink overwhelm from sub under and
plunge under water or other fluid.

the titanic was submerged.
multifarious (muhl-tuh-FAIR-ee-uhs) adj
multifarious derives from latin multifariam, "on many sides; in many places."
having great diversity or variety
the M n M's had a multifarious amount of colors