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25 Cards in this Set

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Where is Great Sciatic Notch?

On Ilium bone (Ischial spine is in between Great Sciatic Notch and Lesser Sciatic Notch)

Can you perform Joint Play if client is on anti-inflammatory drug?


A MS client may have resting or intentional tremor?


After wound happens, which process of wound healing makes it look like a tumor?

Fibroplasia (the formation of fibrous tissue)

Subcapularis trigger point pattern?

Posterior shoulder and around the wrist

Infraspinatus trigger point pattern?

Anterior deltoid (deep pain in shoulder)

Scalene trigger point pattern?

Posterior, lateral of arm and medial border of scapula, thenar eminence

Why does a person with Trendelenburg gait have the leg adducted when the affected leg bears weight?

Because gluteus medius is weaker (adductor is the antagonist)

What does Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council do?

HPRAC advises the Minister of Health and Long Term Care on whether unregulated health professions should be regulated, whether regulated professions should no longer be regulated. Following Regulated Health Professions Act 1991.

When assess TMJ, you hear a "click" when the mouth opens. This is due to?

Anterior dislocation of the disc

3 remedial exercises for TMJ?

Masseter stretch

Mandibular Self-dislocation

Suboccipital stretch + yawning (also SCM, Scalene, Pec Major)

How to do Masseter stretch?

Supine, pull on lower incisors Anterior and Inferior

How to do Mandibular Distraction?

Heel of hand on both side of jaw and tract Inferior

Walking with swinging gait could be damage to?

Superior Gluteal Nerve = tredenlenburg's gait (hip cannot hilt upward while swinging the leg forward during walking)

Name 2 Positive feedback in the body you know

1. Giving birth (oxytocin triggers uterus contraction until baby comes out)

2. Blood coagulation

What muscle has referral pain deep in lateral shoulder?


What food products should be consumed by adolescents?

Fruit and vegetables

Why is Brochiectasis one of the COPD?

Because it's "permanent" dilation of bronchi, causing chronic productive cough of mucus, sob.

SCM clavicular head refers pain to _____, sternal head refers pain to _____

Around ears / Behind eyes

Diaphragm has referral pattern to chest area?

False, mostly Arm and Shoulder (posterior portion too)

What hormone rises rapidly during secretory stage?


What hormone peaks during Ovulation?

Luteinizing Hormone (Estrogen is also very high)

Estrogen is most active during which two stages?

Follicular Stage for Ovarian cycle

Proliferative Stage for Uterine cycle

Where is Terminal Filum (Filum terminale)?

connective tissue structure that descends from the end of spinal cord and attaches to coccyx

located at L2. This is the tapered termination of the spinal cord proper (continuation of pia mater)

What is Ligamentum Flavum?

Yellow Ligament of the spine, connecting the laminae of adjacent vertebrae