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89 Cards in this Set

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What are the 9 general first aid rules?

- get organized

- unless contraindicated, examine victim in position found.

- in a multi-victim situation limit prelim exam to ABC.

- examine for fractures

- remove enough clothing to get clear idea of injury

- keep victim reassured and comfortable

- avoid touching open wounds or burns.

- unless contraindicated, position victim on side on back with head turn to side

- carry litter feet first.

What does Triage mean?

To sort

Assessing patients in a multi casualty incudent and assign priority for receiving tx.

How many classes are there to sorting casualties in a tactical situation?


What are the 4 classes of tactical triage?

CLASS I- minor professional treatment

CLASS II- immediate life-sustaining tx or injuries are moderate.

CLASS III- definative tx can be delayed without jeopardy to life or limb.

CLASS IV- extensive tx beyond onmidiate med capabilities.

How many priorities are there when sorting casualties in a non tactical situation?

- 4

What are the 4 priorities for tx in a non tactical situation?

PRIORITY I- corrective-life threatening injuries.

PRIORITY II- serious but non-life threatening injuries

PRIORITY III- minor injuries

PRIORITY IV- dead or fatally injuried.

What is a rapid initial assessment to detect and that life-threatening conditions that require immediate care?

Primary Survey

What is a secondary survey?

Complete and detailed assessment.

What are the ABCDE of primary survey?






If blood and oxygen stop flowing to the brain irreversible changes to the brain occurs in how many minutes?

4 to 6 minutes

Cell death in 10 minutes.

Ajay is a status decision?

Judgement of severity of condition and the need for immediate transport

The ABCDE steps, statis, and transport should be conducted within how many mins of arrival on scene?

10 mins

What is the essence of shock control and prevention?

Recognized on set early and treat before symptoms fully develop.

12 signs of shock.


-Eyes glassy and dull

-Breathing rapid and laboref (shallow and irregular in advance stage)

-Face and skin pale and ashen gray..lips cyanotic

-Skin cool and clammy

-Rapid weak and tready pulse

-BP lowered in mod severe shock (drops below 100, pulse above 100)

-Nausea, vomitting, dryness of mouth

-Surface veins collapse

-Complaints of thirst

-Kidneys may shut down( S BP below 80, urine formation stops?

-Faint if you stand up too quickly.

What are 3 hemorrhage control techniques?

Pressure dressing

Pressure points


What is the best way to control external bleeding?

Pressure dressing

What is a pressure point?

Spot where main artery lie near the skin surface and over a bone.

Temporary control of bleeding

How many pressure points are there?

11 on each side of the body.

What is the last resort to control hemorrhaging?


And constriction band used ti cut off blood supply.

How would you treat a head wound?

- same as other flesh wound

- no meds

- head level with body

- watch for vomiting

- do not use direct pressure is skull depressed

How would you treat facial wounds?

- like other flesh wounds

- keep nose and throat clear

- position victim so blood can drain from mouth and nose

- injury involve eyeball the loose bandage otherwise firm bandage.

How to treat chest wound?

- all chest injuries must be considered serious

- sucking chest wound is the most serious

How to treat a sucking chest wound?

- seal wound airtight, tape in place

- oxygen

- fowler or semi-fowler position

- in combat lay victim on stretcher on affectef side.

- watch for signs of shock

- nothing to drink

- transport immediately

What are some symptoms of abdominal wound?

- intense pain

- nausea and vomiting

- spasm of the abdominal muscle

- severe shock

What is the first aid procedure for abdominal wound?

- supine position

- if intestine exposed, knee ip may be more comfortable (towels under knees)

- do not push intestines back in

- so any severe bleeding with direct pressure

- in no exposure dry sterile dressing, wet if exposed, hold in place with bandage

- treat for shock ( warm and supine)

- nothing to drink

- start IV when MO says

What's a fracture?

Break in the bone

Difference between closed and open fracture.

Closed fracture: completely internal

Open fracture: open wound in the tissue and the skin.

Symptoms of fracture in forearm?

- pain

- tenderness

- inability to use forearm

- wobbly motion at point of injury.

How to splint a forearm fracture?

- pneumatic splint if available

- if not, apply 2 padded splint, from elbow to wrist, secure with bandage

- forearm accross chest, palm turned in, thumb upwards

- hold in position worth sling or cravat bandage.

- hand should be raised 4 inches above elbow.

- tx for shock.

What are some symptoms of upper arm fracture?

- pain

- tenderness

- swelling

- wobbly motion at point of fracture

- if near elbow, no bend at elbow, arm straight

When would you place a towel under the armpit, bandage arm to the body, support in sling to treat a fracture?

If the upper arm fracture is near the shoulder.

How would you splint if a fracture is in the middle of the forearm?

- one padded splint on the outside

- splint from shoulder to elbow

- secure to the body

- support in a sling

- tx for shock

If the fracture is near the elbow, the arm may be bent or straight, how do you splint?

Splint in the position found.

When there is no pulse distal to the fracture, how do you treat?

Apply gentle traction, then splin the arm.

Treat for shock

Which bone is in the upper part of the leg between the kneecap and the pelvis?


Symptoms of femur fracture.

- spasm of muscle when and pain when limb is moved.

- wobbly motion

- complete loss of control below the fracture

- limb in unnatural position with toes pointing outside.

- fractured leg shorter

- shock

How to splint a femur fracture?

- if open, stop bleeding and treat wound.

- carefully straighten

- apply 2 splint, one on outside and inside

- outside: armpit to foot

- inside: crotch to foot

- fasten in 5 places: ankle, over knee, below hip, around pelvis, below armpit.

- tie legs together

- splint before moving pt.

- Hare or Thomas half-ring traction splints are best, improvise if needed.

- treat for shock

- evacuate

A lower leg fracture just above the ankle is often mistaken for what?

A sprain.

If both bones of the lower leg are broken what type of fracture is likely?

Open fracture

How do you splint a lower leg fracture?

- if open fracture, stop bleeding and treat wound.

- use pneumatic splint is available

- if not, apply 3 splints, one on each side of the leg and one underneath

- padded under the knee and both sides of ankle

- a pillow and 2 side splints work well

- Hare and Thomas half-ring splint when available

What are symptoms of a clavicle fracture?

- injuried shoulder lower

- inable to raise arm above shoulder

-pt holding the elbow to support should (classic sign)

- might be deformity, pain and tenderness

How to tx a fractured clavicle

- if broken, stop flow of blood and treat.

- bend arm and place forearm accross chest

- palm turn in, thumb up

- Hand raised 4 inches above elbow

- support position with wide sling ( a wide roller or figure 8 bandage)

- tx for shock

What is the greatest risk with a rib fracture?

Damage to the lung, heart, or chest wall by broken ends.

How to treat a rib fracture

- Do not bound, strap, or tape if victim is comfortable.

- to immobilized for more comfort strap the arm on the injuried side to the body.

- palms flat, thumbs up, forearm raised 45 degrees.

- use wide strips of bandages to secure.

- treat for shock.

How are burns generated?

Heat overwhelm the bodies defense mechanism

What determine the seriousness of a burn injury?

- deph

- extent

- location

- age

- other medical conditions

What are the characteristics of a first degree burn?

- epidermal layer irritated

- reddened

- tingling

- pain mild to severe

- edema minimal

- heal in a week

What are the characteristics of a second degree burn?

- epidermal blisters, mottled, red base

- damage extend to dermis

- edema, possibly weeping

- healing in 2 to 3 weeks.

What are the characteristics of third degree burn?

- full thickness injury, penetrating into muscle, fatty connective issue, and even down to the bone.

- tissue and nerve distroyed

- shock

- blood in urine

- plasma weeping or hemorrhage is area not cauterized

What is the first aid for thermal injury?

- airway

- control hemorrhaging

- tx for shock

- remove constricting jewelry or clothing

- cover burn area

- splint fractures

- electrolyte solution (ringer lactate) for serious extensive burns.

What the is tx for pain associated with burn?

-Aspirin for mild

-Cool wet compress or ice immersion (20% BSA) for mod pain.

-Morphine or demerol injection for severe pain

When pt is transported to aid station, major burn victims should be given what?

Booster dose of tetanus.

When should topical antibiotic therapy be started?

After pt is stabalized and following debridement and wound care if transport to definative care will be delayed for 2 to 3 days.

What is the topical antibiotic treatment for burns?

-1/16 inch thickness of Sulfamylon or Silvadene

-Repeat application after 12 hours and after dailt debridement

- tx minor skin reaction with antihistamines

What is heat cramps?

Painful cramp in the muscles of the abdomin, legs or arms from:

-excessive sweating

-drinking ice water or cool drink too quickly or in too large quantity after exercise.

What is the first aid tx fo heat cramps?

-move to a cool place

-cool water with 1 teaspoon of salt to a liter or quart of water

-apply manual pressure or gently massage

-transport to MTF is appears more serious.

What is the most common injury cause by working or exercising in a hot environment?

Heat exhaustion

What is 2 other names for heat exhaustion?

Heat propration

Heat collapse

What physiological changes occurs with heat exhaustion?

-Disturbance of blood flow to brain, heart, lungs

-Causing weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, loss of appetite

-may faint

What are the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?

- shock

- victim turn ashen gray

- skin cool, moist, clammy

- pupils dialated.

- vital signs normal

- week pulse

- rapid shallow breathing

- body temp below normal

What is the tx for heat exhaustion?

-Treat as shock

-move to cool or air-conditioned area

-loosen clothing

-apply cool wet cloth to head, armpit, groin, and ankle

- fan victim, dont allow victim tonget cool

-1 teaspoon salt dissolved in a liter of water.

- IV is necessary

Heat stroke carries what percentage mortality rate?


What is the most important feature of heat stroke?

High body temp, 105 f or 41 c

What are the preliminary symptoms of heat stroke?

Headache, nausea, dizziness, or weakness

What area the signs of symptoms of heat stroke?

-Deep and rapid breathing at first, then shallow and almost absent

-Flushed, very dry, very hot

-Pinpoint pupils

-Pulse fast and strong

What is the first aid tx for heat stroke?

-Dousing body in cold water or apply wet cokd towels to the whole party.

-Move to coolest place available

-Remove as much clothing as possible

-Maintain open airway

-Place victim on back with head and shoulder slightly raised

-Place cold pack under arms neck ankles and groin

-Cool water to drink if conscious

-IV to combat shock

When should you discontinue cooling a heat stroke pt?

-When rectal temp reaches 102 f

-Check every 10 mins for rising temp

-Repeat cooling if temp reaches 103 f

What are the symptoms of hypothermia?

-First is shivering





-Circulation decreases and extremities become susceptible to freezing


At when temp does death occur in a pt with hypothermia?

8 f

What is the tx for hypothermi?

-observe respiratory efforts and heartbeat for the need for CPR


-replace wet clothes

-most effective rewarming is immersion in warm water (100-105 f). - warm to elbow not hot

-warm truck before limbs to prevent shock from volume shifts

-If no tub, apply external heat to bothe sides of the body, or body heat from 2 rescuers preferred.

-if conscious warm liquid to drink

- dry victim if water used for rewarming


What injury is caused by prolonged exposure to wet cold at temp ranging from just above freezing to 5 f

Immersion foot

What are the signs and symptoms of immersion foot?

Tingling and numbness

Swelling of legs, feet, and hands

Bluish discoloration of skin

Painful blisters

Gangrene possible

Tx for immersion foot?

-Stay off feet

-Remove wet shoe, socks, gloves

-Expose area to warm dry air

-Keep victim warm

-Do not rub blisters

-Gently wrap in sterile sheet if skin broken


Frostbite occurs when ice crystal form in the skin or deeper tissue after exposure to what degree of temp?

32f or lower

Symptoms of frostbite?


-Uncomfortabl coldness


-Ice crystals

-Frozen extremity is white, yellow-white, mottled blue-white

-Cold, hard, and insensitive to touch

Describe a superficial frostbite?

Surface of the skin is hard, underlying tissue is soft allowing it to move over bonu ridges.

Only the skin and region just below it is involve.

What is the tx for superficial frostbite?

-Take victim indoor

-Rewarm hands by placing under armpits, on abdomin, or btwn legs.

-Rewarm feet by placing in armpit or on abdomin of a buddy.

-Rewarm by warm water immersion, skin to skin contact, or hot watet bottle

-Never rub.

Describe a deep frostbite.

-Freezing reach deep tissue

-Ice crystal in the entire thickness of extremity

-Skin fee hard.

What is the objective of the tx for deep frostbite?

-Protect area from further injury

-Rapidly thaw

-Prepare for circulatory or respiratory difficulty.

What is the tx for deep frostbite?

-tx other injuries first

-do not thaw if refreezing possible

-victims with injuries to fee are litter pts.

-remove contricted clothing

-thaw clothes frozen to body with warm water immersion before removal

-Rapidly reward area by immersion in water at 100 - 105 f temp.

-prorect from additional injury and keep clean

- give hot stimulting fluid, no smoke or alcohol


What are 3 methods to purify water under field conditions?

Iodine tablets

Calcium hypochlorite

Boil the water

How do you purify watet with iodine tablets?

-Remove cap, fill canteen with water

-1 tab in clean water, 2 in cloudy

-Double tabs to 2-quart canteen

-Replace cap, wait 5 mins

-Shake canteen

-Loosen cap and allow leakage

-Tighten cap and wait another 25 mins

Total of 30 mins.

How to purify water with calcium hypochlorite?

Fill canteen with cleanest water..leave 1 inch space below neck

Fill canteen cup half full with water and add calcium hypochlorite from one ampule

Stir with a clean stick until power dissolve

Fill cap of canteen half full of solution from cup add it to the water in canteen

Place cap on canteen


Loosen cap and invert canteen

Tighten cap and wait 30 mins.

What are the disadvantages of boiling water to purify?

-Need fuel

-Long time to boil and cool

-Need residual protection from recontamination

-Water must be held at rolling boil for 15 secs.

What are the dimensions of a cat hole?

1 foot wide

1 foot wide1 foot deep

1 foot wide1 foot deep

1 foot deep

How to use a cat hole..

Cover and pack with dirt after each use

Use on the march

What are the dimensions of a straddle trench?

4 feet long

2.5 feet deep

1 foot wide

How to use a straddle trench

Cover with dirt after each use

Use for 1-3 days

Name 6 methods of carrying a casualty

Fireman carry

One-man support carry

One-man arms carry

Saddleback carry

Pack strap carry

Pistol-belt carry