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25 Cards in this Set

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The ID operates at what level? with what principle? and what kind of thinking?

The unconscious level, pleasure principle, primary process thinking.

The Ego operates at what level? with what principle? and what kind of thinking?

The conscious level, reality principle, secondary process thinking. "caught in the middle" of Id and superego

The Superego operates at what level? what to parts does it conflict with? It is related to what kind of development?

Operates on all 3 levels, unconsc, concs, and preconsc. It conflicts with the ego ideal and conscience (what i want vs. what is right). Related to the development of rules and values.

In what order do the 3 parts of ego, id and superego develop?

First the Id develops, then the ego and finally the superego. Must keep all 3 in balance to be healthy.

Anxiety is produced and felt by what?

The Ego

The 3 basic types of Anxiety are what?

Objective -id and ego in conflict

Neurotic- id and ego in conflict

Moral- ego and superego in conflict (shame and guilt)

What are used to combat/deal with anxiety in the ego?

Defense Mechanisms

List 8 (main) Defense Mechanisms

Repression-keepsthreatn impulses out awrnss

Denial- ego refuses to ack. anxietyprod. realities

Projection- Ego attrib. personshrtcom. to others

Reaction Formation- ego transf. unaccept. motive into its opposite

Regression- ego seeks secur. eardevelpperiod

Displacement- ego shifts feeling twrd an unaccep. object to another more accept. object

Sublimation- ego replaces a less accept. unconsc. thought/impulse w more accept. one

Rationalization- making excuses or rationalizing why you couldn't do something, i felt sick

What are 2 other DM discussed in class?

Isolation - isolating from emotions, repressing difficult memories

Introjection- aka identification, take on someone else's characteristics to better cope

Defense Mechanisms are only unhealthy when...

used in excess, they are ultimately necessary in life

maj. of personality develp. b4 age 6, personality charact. determ. by experiences and depends on changing expression of sexual energy in dif body parts, how sexual needs met, how or if conflicts resolved. this describes what theory?

Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development

The 5 stages of Psychosexual Development in order are:

Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital

Some characteristics and traits of the Oral stage (0-18mnts) are:

overeating and drinking, thumb sucking, nail biting, smoking etc. over indulg: optimism, gullibility. frust.: dependent, sarcastic, pessimistic

characteristic DM: Denial

Some characteristics and traits of the Anal stage (18mths-3yrs) are:

marks develp of ego

over indulg: wasteful, explosive, sloppy, disorgan, cruel

frust: stingy, stubborn, constricted, overly neat, compulsive

characteristic DM: Reaction Formation

Some characteristics and traits of the Phallic stage (3-5yrs) are:

charac. by child's discovery of genitals

develop. of superego

reject: self-hatred, shy

excessive attent.: vanity, pride

wish to "posses parent" of opp. gender (bull)

The Desire to possess the mother leads to what? this desire is called what?

Oedipus complex, leads to castration anxiety (fear of father)

The Desire to possess the father leads to what? this desire is called what?

Electra Complex, doesn't fear mother, resents or angry w her

It is thought to not have any personality development at this stage:

Latency Stage (6-puberty)

Gential Stage is characterized by what?

libido focused on genitals, event. directed toward sexual intercourse

Criticisms of this theory are:

less emph on sexual and aggress. energy

conflicts social not sexual

signif. personal. develp past age 6


poor testability

inadequate sample

Support for Unconscious in studies:

mri studies show 95% of behav are unconsciously determ.

Marcia's 4 identity statuses are:

achievement: successful achievement of a sense of identity (commitm)

moratorium: active strug. for a sense of identity


foreclosure: unquestioning adopt. of parental or societal values (no commit)

diffusion: no concern, absen of strug for identity

no crisis^

this theory did establish what though?

identif. and appreciation of influence of unconsious material on behav. and importance of early childhood experiences

Stages of Psychosocial Development are:

1 yr: Trust/Mistrust

1-3 yrs: Autonomy/Doubt and shame

3-5 yrs: Initiative/Guilt

5-12 yrs: Industry/Inferiority

12-20 yrs: Identity/Role Confusion

20-40 yrs: Intimacy/Isolation

40-65yrs: Generativity/Stagnation

65+ yrs: Integrity/Despair

Erikson Argued that conflicts in different stages of life was____ in nature not_____

social not sexual