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87 Cards in this Set

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possum tē uidēre.
I can see you
potesne mē uidēre?
Can you see me?
possum dē tē cōgitāre.
I can think about you.
poterō tē crās amāre.
I will be able to love you tomorrow.
poterat deae dōna dare.
He/She was able to give gifts to the goddess
poterās patriam monēre.
you were able to warn your country.
poteram fēminam pulchram laudāre.
I was able to praise the beautiful woman
propter animōs tuōs patriam seruāre poterās.
Because of your courage you were able to save your country.
propter animōs uestrōs patriam seruāre poterātis.
Because of your courage you were able to save your country
poterimusne mala tolerāre?
Will we be able to tolerate evil things?
Hannibal Lecter tē terrēre potest.
Hannibal Lecter can terrify you.
amāre hūmānum est.
To love is human
malus multīs uitiīs plēnus est.
An evil man is full of many vices.
malus multōrum uitiōrum plēnus erit.
AN evil man will be full of many vices
propter īnsidiās tyrannī Graecī patria nōn est lībera.
Because of the treachery of the Greek tyrant, our country is not free.
nunc bonī patriam adiuuāre possunt.
Now good men/people can help their country.
patriam adiuuāre posse dēbēmus.
We ought to be able to help our country.
dī tē adiuuāre poterunt.
The gods will be able to help you.
tum tē amābam.
I loved you then.
dī deaeque cēnābunt.
The gods and the goddesses will dine.
librum bonum amō
I love/like a good book.
ubi sumus?
Where are we?
ubi esse potest?
Where can he/she/it be?
cōgitō quārē sum.
I think, therefore I exist.
discipula discipulum amat.
The female student loves the male student.
discipulum discipula amat.
The female student loves the male student.
saluus es!
You are safe!
ubi est?
Where is he/she/it?
ibi est.
He/She/It is there.
sententia mea nōn est secunda.
My opinion is not favorable.
bellum est perpetuum.
War is perpetual.
uēra sunt perpetua.
True things are perpetual.
saluē, fīlī deae!
Hello, son of a goddess!
fāma nōn est perpetua.
Fame is not perpetual.
potesne mē culpāre?
Can you blame me?
culpāsne mē?
Do you blame me?
herī (here) tuus eram, hodiē tuus sum, crās tuus erō.
Yesterday I was yours, today I am yours, tomorrow I will be yours.
amābisne mē crās?
Will you love me tomorrow?
quandō poteris meus esse?
When will you be able to be mine?
nautae bonī magnō in perīculō erunt.
The good sailors will be in great danger
bāsia tua mē satiant.
Your kisses satisfy me.
discipulī discipulaeque magistrum culpant.
The male students and the female students blame the teacher.
magister est stultus.
The teacher is foolish.
manēbō et cēnābō.
I will stay and I will dine.
librī bonī sapientiae plēnī sunt.
Good books are full of wisdom.
librī bonī sapientiā plēnī sunt.
Good books are full of wisdom.
tyrannus librōs bonōs nōn amat.
The tyrant does not like good books.
puer dē puellā cōgitābat.
The boy was thinking about the girl.
dē officiō semper cōgitant.
They are always thinking about their duty.
saluē, nauta!
Hello, sailor!
uir bellus erat.
The man was handsome.
puer paruus erat stultus.
The little boy was foolish.
nunc et semper tē amō.
I love you now and always.
liber bonus semper ualēbit.
A good book will always be influential.
I can
I was able
I will be able
they will be able
they were able
they are able
they can
I am able
you s. can
you s. will be able
you s. were able
we can
we are able
we will be able
we were able
she is able
she can
she was able
she will be able
they can
they are able
they were able
they will be able
you p. will be able
you p. are able
you p. can
you p. were able
quid est?
What is it? OR: What is the matter?
quid tē terret?
What is frightening you?
cōnsilium tuum mē satiat.
Your plan satisfies me.
ōtium mē satiat.
Peace satisfies me.
rosa est rosa
A rose is a rose.
dea deum culpat.
The goddess is blaming the god.