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29 Cards in this Set

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Animals can walk, run, hop or crawl. How do they find their way?

By using their eyes, ears, nose (or even antennae), this are also called sense organs.

How do plants make food in their own leaves?


What are the 4 things needed in photosynthesis?

1. Light

2. Water

3. Carbon Dioxide

4. Chlorophyll

How do plants get energy from food?

By a process (usually with oxygen) called respiration.

All living things produce waste. What is the removal of waste from their bodies called?


What are the 5 needs of living things?

1. water

2. light and carbon dioxide

3. warmth

4. minerals

5. oxygen

What is the part of the earth's surface where living things are found?


What are the two smaller groups under Protoctista?

1. Protozoa - microscopic creatures made of 1 cell

2. Algae - simple plant-like organisms

Give 3 examples of Fungi.

Mushrooms, toadstools and moulds.

What are the six divisions of plants?

1. mosses and liverworts - plants with no roots

2. ferns - have proper roots, produce spores

3. conifers - trees with needle-shaped leaves/cones

4. flowering plants - flowers which produce seeds

5. monocotyledons - leaves with parallel veins

6. dicotyledons - leaves with a network of veins

What are the two main groups of animals?

Vertebrates and Invertebrates

What are the 8 animal groups under invertebrates?


1. coelenterates - sack like body with tentacles

2. flatworms - flat body w/ cilia

3. annelid worms - body encircled w/ rings

4. molluscs - one coiled shell/two uncoiled shells


5. crustaceans - hard outer skeleton

6. insects - 6 legs, 2 pairs of wings

7. arachnids - 8 legs, no wings

8. centipedes - many pairs of legs

What are the 5 animal groups under vertebrates/chordates?

1. bony fish - scale, fins, gills

2. amphibia - live on water/land

3. reptile - covered with hard/dry scales

4. birds - feathers and wings

5. mammals - hairy skin, young feed on milk

What do you call the thick skin around the cell that allows only some things to pass through?

A cell membrane.

What controls what a cell does and how it develops?

A nucleus.

What is the jelly containing chemicals and filling up the cell?


What is the space between the cell that contains air, liquid or food particles?


Describe the parts of a plant cell (5).

1. cell wall of cellulose - covers cell membrane

2. cytoplasm - jelly w/ chemicals, fills the cell

3. stored food - starch

4. vacuole - all plants have this, the inside is filled with cell sap

5. chloroplasts - discs full of chlorophyll (trap light for photosynthesis)

Differentiate plant cells from animal cells.

ANIMAL : no cell wall, no chloroplast, sometimes have vacuole, different shapes

PLANT: have cell walls, have chloroplasts, always have vacuole, few kinds of shapes

What are tissues?

Cells that do the same job group together and form tissues.

What are the 3 other types of cells?

1. muscle cells (they can tighten/relax)

2. nerve cells (carry messages)

3. red/white blood cells (carry oxygen and kill germs) --> A.K.A blood

Give an explain 1 type of organ

1. heart - pumps blood around the body

2. stomach - digests food

3. brain - controls the body

An organism is made of different organs. These can work together to form organ systems. Give an example of an organ system.

1. circulatory system - heart/blood vessels

2. digestive system - gullet, stomach, intestine

3. nervous system - brain, spinal cord, nerves

What is diffusion?

Movement of molecules that cause them to mix together.

What is an active transport of molecules?

This process uses energy to move the molecules to where it is needed in the plant. This occurs from an area of low concentration to a higher concentration.

What is osmosis?

When a weak solution is separated by a semi-permeable membrane, the diffusion of water (from a weak to a strong solution) occurs.

What is meiosis?

This is a type of cell division that results in 4 daughter cells (each with 1/2 the number of chromosomes from the parent cell), as in the production of gametes/plant spores.

What is a diploid and haploid?

Diploid - 46, complete

Haploid - 23, one half

What is mitosis?

A cell division resulting in 2 daughter cells having the same number/kind of chromosomes from the parent nucleus.