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6 Cards in this Set

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1a) 22.5pts 1of2
Discuss Photorespiration.
--- Overview ---
1) Resemblance to...
2) Normally *** by ***

--- Early Discovery ---
1) Discovered accidentally by *** in ***
2) In light, there is...
3) When light is turned off, there is...
4) Which is measured to be...
5) It then quickly... to...

--- Interpretation ---
1) When the light was turned off, the *** occurring alongside ***
2) didn't...

--- Measurements ---
1) It's possible to measure CO2 burst but...
2) Once the light is turned off, photorespiration is...
3) In CO2-free air, CO2 from photorespiration is...
4) Both techniques *** photorespiration but show it to be...

--- Later Discoveries ---
1) In ***, *** noticed that *** was *** *** by oxygen.
2) It was later revealed that oxygen was acting as...
3) This caused it to be renamed to....
4) Carboxylase activity produces...
5) Oxygenase activity produces...
6) To deal with this dual activity, plants have *** this *** ***.
1a) 22.5pts 1of2
Discuss Photorespiration.
--- Overview ---
1) true respiration
2) masked --- photosynthesis

--- Early Discovery ---
1) Decker --- 1955
2) a steady rate of CO2 uptake
3) a sudden burst of CO2 release.
4) 3x times the true respiration rate.
5) settles down to true respiration.

--- Interpretation ---
1) respiration --- photosynthesis ---
2) fall off as rapidly as photosynthesis did.

--- Measurements ---
1) it's not accurate because...
2) already declining.
3) refixed by photosynthesis.
4) underestimate --- half of the photosynthetic rate.

--- Later Discoveries ---
1) 1971 --- Ogren and Bowes --- RuBP carboxylase --- competitively inhibited
2) an alternative substrate.
3) RuBisCo: ribulose-1,5-bis-phosphate carboxylase/oxygenase.
4) (2) PGA
5) (1) PGA and (1) PhosphoGlycolate
6) evolved --- alternate pathway
15pts 2of5
4a) What is the Warburg effect and its significance?

--- The Warburg Effect ---
1) *** *** of *** under *** conditions in some ***.

--- Explanations ---
_*** Proposal_
1) *** Study (discredited in ***)
2) Over expression of... leading to
3) *** where *** is P'ed
4) causing it to be........ thereby
5) increasing *** and ***.

_Alternate Proposals_
1) Increased expression *** which increases... and Mass Action metabolism
2) Decreased...
3) Poorer ***
4) Increased levels of *** increasing production of...

--- Significance ---
1) Tumor growth is not limited by...
2) Limiting factor is... used for...
3) Making glycolysis beneficial because it's an *** pathway giving rise to needed precursors.
--- The Warburg Effect ---
1) Higher-than-normal rates --- glycolysis --- aerobic --- in some cancers.

--- Explanations ---
• Spector-Racker Proposal:
1) Fraudulent --- 1981
2) +++ protein kinase expression (tumor gene)
3) kinase cascade --- P'ed Plasma Membrane Na+/K+ ATPase
4) rendering less efficient
5) increasing --- ATP consumption --- glycolysis rate.

• Alternate Proposals
1) +++ GLUT-1 --- increases glucose uptake / Mass Action metabolism
2) --- mitochondria.
3) Poorer blood supply to cancer cells.
4) (Transcription Factor HIF-1 +++) AND (HK/PFK-1 +++++)

--- Significance ---
1) not limited by ATP production
2) precursor production --- nucleotide / amino acid / lipid biosynthesis
3) amphibolic pathway
4b) 15pts 2of5
------ Glycolysis w/focus on Regulation -----
--- Overview ---
1) Located in ***
2) Main energy source for....
3) Operates under these conditions...
4) Regulated at these steps...
5) Glycolysis Energy Summary
- *** ***....
- *** ***....

--- Glycolysis Regulation ---
1) HK
Inhibited by...
Activated by...

2) PFK-1
Inhibited by...
Activated by...

3) Pyruvate Kinase
Inhibited by...
Activated by...

--- Glycolysis/Gluconeogenesis Regulation ---
4a) High Glucagon levels in blood
0) Causing increases in liver.... and the subsequent...
1) 1st cascade, stimulates activity of... increasing *** levels
2) 2nd cascade, stimulates activity of *** on *** protein ***
3) The P'ed form of this protein has...
- Decreased activity in its... which is responsible...
- Increased activity in its... which is responsible...
- Causing levels of *** to ***.
4) Thereby, causing to...
- Glycolysis to *** (decreased activity of ***)
- GNG to *** (increased activity of *)
--- Overview ---
1) cytosol
2) brain and erythrocytes
3)aerobic and anaerobic
4) HK, PFK-1, Pyruvate Kinase, Glucagon/F26BP
- Preparatory Phase (-2)ATP
- Payoff Phase (+4)ATP (+2)NADH

--- Glycolysis Regulation ---
1) HK (Hexose Kinase)
Inhibited by G6P (glucose-6-phosphate)

2) PFK-1 (PhosphoFructoKinase I)
Inhibited by ATP, Citrate
Activated by ADP, AMP, Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate

3) Pyruvate Kinase
Inhibited by ATP, Acetyl-S-CoA, long-chain fatty acids

--- Glycolysis/Gluconeogenesis Regulation ---
0) liver glucose production --- replenishment of blood glucose levels
1) AC (Adenylate Cyclase). ---- cAMP levels
2) PKA --- bifunctional --- PFK-2/FBPase-2
- Decreased PFK-2 --- F26P production
- Increased FBPase-2 --- F26P destruction
- F26BP(Fructose-2,6-BisPhosphate) --- drop
4) Thereby, causing to...
- Glycolysis decrease --- PFK-l
- GNG to increase --- FBPase-l
4d) 15pts 2of5
--- Compare / Contrast Cyclic, Non-Cyclic, Pseudo-Cyclic Electron Transport ---

1) Uses PSI?
2) Uses PSII?
3) Oxygen Produced?
4) Oxygen Consumed?
5) Products?

1) Uses PSI?
2) Uses PSII?
3) Oxygen Produced?
4) Oxygen Consumed?
5) Products?

1) Uses PSI?
2) Uses PSII?
3) Oxygen Produced?
4) Oxygen Consumed?
5) Products?
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) No
5) ATP and NADH

1) Yes
2) No
3) No
4) No
5) ATP

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) Yes
5) ATP (water to water)
4c part1) 15pts 2of5
--- ATP Synthase Structure

--- ATP Synthase Function
*** Engine Driven by ***
Involves 2 *** states & 1 *** state.
1) Step 1 - *** Binding
- ADP & Pi bind to catalytic F# *** w/out cofactor ***.
- Cofactor joins binding *** facilitating formation of *** state.
2) Step 2 -*** State
- ADP & *** are brought closer together and the *** group of
- P-loop *** 158 is brought into the active site lowering the *** environment.
3) Step 3 - *** Release
- Lower dielectric environment facilitates release of ***
- as ADP & MgPi are *** to form ***.

--- H+/ATP Stoichiometries ---
1) # e- provided by *** are transported through mitochondrial ETS to final acceptor ***
2) causing the transport of... across...
3) Full rotation of *** subunit of ATP Synthase produces # ATPs.
4) The number of H+ required for full γ rotation depends on...
--- ATP Synthase Structure
F0 domain
- (1) a - between B and C
- (2) b - hold up δ-subunit
- (?) c - cams
F1 domain
- (1) α3β3 hexamer - ADP binds to β
- (1) γ - shaft
- (1) δ - between α3β3 and ε
- (1) ε - bottom

--- ATP Synthase Function
Rotary --- Protons
ground --- transition
1) Substrate Binding
- F1 moiety --- Mg2
- Pi --- transition
2) Transition State
- MgPi --- Methyl
- alanine --- dielectric
3) Product Release
- H2O
- dehydrated --- ATPMg

--- H+/ATP Stoichiometries ---
1) (2e-) --- NADH --- O2
2) 10 protons --- INTERmembrane space
3) γ --- 3
4) the number of c subunits
4c part2) 15pts 2of5
--- H+/ATP Stoichiometries ---

1) # c subunits(H+)
2) Full turn creates # ATP.
3) So, # H+ per ATP.
4) 2 e- from NADH xport # H+.
5) So, each NADP creates # ATP

1) # c subunits(H+)
2) Full turn creates # ATP.
3) So, # H+ per ATP....
4) PLUS one H+ for *** xport.
5) 2 e- from NADH xport # H+.
6) creating # ATP from NADH.

1) # c subunits(H+)1)
2) # H+ per ATP
3) # ATP per NADH
1) 12 c-su
2) 3 ATP
3) 4 H+/ATP
4) 10 H+
5) 2.5 ATP/NADH

1) 8 c-su
2) 3 ATP
3) 2.67 H+/ATP
4) Pi ---- 3.7 H+/ATP
5) 10 H+
6) 2.7 ATP/NADH

1) 14
2) 4.7 H+/ATP
3) 2.1 ATP/NADH