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142 Cards in this Set

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incubation period of HEV

15-60 days

transmission of HEV typically occurs through ...

fecally contaminated water

Dx of HEV infection is comfirmed with detection of .... by ... in the serum or feces or by the detection of ...


.... occurs in 15-25% of pregnant women infected with hepatitis E virus, especially those in the third trimester

fulminant hepatitis

presentation of a patient with secondary syphilis (3)

rash;generalized lymphadenopathy; constitutional symptoms

initial testing for syphilis(2); confirmation (1)

non-treponemal test: RPR or VRDL; confirmed with a specific treponemal test - FTA-ABS

Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction -?

acute febrile reaction with headaches and myalgias durin antibiotic treatment

do cutaneous drug reactions involve the palms and soles?


pityriasis rosea is a cutaneous reaction that usually follows a ...

viral illnes

does pityriasis rosea involve the palms and soles


what areas of the body are involved in psoriasis process?

elbows and knees

the rash in .... begins as a maculopapular eruption on the wrists and ankles that spreads to the trunk, etremeties, palms and soles around day 5 of the illnes

rickettsial diseases: RMSF or ehrlichiosis

most common cause of rash in children

viral exanthem

Str. viridans group (6)

sanguinis; mitis; oralis; mutans; sobrinus; milleri

infective endocarditis with .... is commonly encountered after dental procedures involving manipulation of the gingival tissue or oral mucosa and procedures involving incision and biopsy of the respiratory tract

str. viridans group

common coause of healthcare-associated endocarditis associated with nosocomial urinary tract infections

enterococci species (enterocccus faecalis)

soagulase-negative staphylococci: (2)

aureus; epidermidis

.... and are usually seen in infective dnocarditis in patients with indwelling IV catheters or implicated prostetic valves or devies and in IV drug users

Staph. aureus and staph. epidermidis

... usually causes urinary tract infections in young women

Staph. saprophyticus

infective endocarditis due to ... is seen in patients with ulcerative lesions of the colon due to colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease

staph. bovis(gallolyticus)

patients with .... esophagitis have oral thrush


symptomatic patients with candida esophagitis can be treated with ...


most commonly implicated viruses in viral esophagitis (2)


... virus esophagitis usually causes circular or ovoid vesicular and ulcerated lesions

herpes simplex

... virus esophagitis usually causes large, linear distal esophageal ulcers


HIV patient with severe odynophagia without dysphagia or thrush

viral esophagitis

specific type of cullulitis, characterized by inflammation of the superficial dermis, thereby producing prominnet swelling


most likely causative organism of erysipelas is group ...

A beta-hemolytic str. (str. pyogenes)

causative organism of gas gangrene

clostridium perfringens

next step in management of patient with acute ST-elevation MI with persistent pain, hypertension or heart failure after O2, Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Sublingual nitrates, Beta blockers, Statins, Anticoag thx

IV nitroglycerin

contraindications of nitroglycerin use in patients with acute ST-elevation MI (3)

hypotension; right ventr. infarct; severe aortic stenosis

next step in management of patient with acute ST-elevation MI with persistent severe pain after O2, Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Sublingual nitrates, Beta blockers, Statins, Anticoag thx

IV morphine

next step in management of patient with acute ST-elevation MI with unstable sinus bradycardia after O2, Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Sublingual nitrates, Beta blockers, Statins, Anticoag thx

IV atropine

next step in management of patient with acute ST-elevation MI with pulmonary edema after O2, Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Sublingual nitrates, Beta blockers, Statins, Anticoag thx

IV furosemide

contraindications of furosemide use in patients with acute ST-elevation MI (2)

hypotension; hypovolemia

used for rate control in patients with rapid atrial fib. and to improve symptoms in patients with CHF


why oes amlodipine is contraindicated in the acute management of MI or congestive heart faialure

vasodilation can result in refle tachycardia and increased myocardial O2 demand

contraindications of beta-blockers in pateitns with acute MI

pulmonary edema

second line drug for management of angina pain


Ca channel blocker used in te management if hypertension and supraventricular tachycardia


sudden onset of sever chest pain radiating to the back and widened mediastinum on chest x-ray are suggestive of ...

aortic dissection

hypotension, tachycardia, distended jugular veins, pulsus paradoxus are consistent with the presence of ...

cardiac tamponade

pulsus in aortic stenosis

parvus et tardus

basic workup of initial evaluation of scondary causes of hypertension include (4)

urinalysis; chemestry panel; lipid profile; baseline ECG

characteristic findings of Cushing's syndrome (3)

central obesity; abdominal striae; facial plethora

... is used to evaluate for Cushing's syndrome

24-hour urine cortisol ecretion

low plasma renin + hupokalemia + hypertension

primary hyperaldosteronism

additional studies in patients with hypertension if there is an elevated serum creatinine or abnormal urinalysis (2)

(imaging studies)renal ultrasound; doppler ultrasound

24-hours metanephrines and cathecholamines are levated in patients with ...


screen for occult hypothyroidism

thyroid-stimulating hormone

extracellular deposit of insoluble polemeric protein fibrils in tissues and organs


type of primary amyloidosis


chronic inglammatory conditions leadinf to seondary amyloidosis(AA) (5)

inflammatory arthritis(rheumatoid arthritis); chronic infections; inflammatory bowel disease; malignancy; vasculitis

initial thx for chronic venous disease

leg elevation; exercise; compression stockings

ECG findings in acute pericarditis

diffuse ST elevations, with PR depressions

change in cardiac preload in patients with arteriovenous fistula

increased cardiac preload

causes of high-output heart failure

arteriovenous malformations; thyrotoxicosis; Paget disease; anemia; thiamine deficiency

SLE and chronic steroid use are .... for accelerated coronary atherosclerosis

risk factors

first step in Dx of coronary disease if baseline resting EKG is normal

exercise stress test

EKG in constrictive pericarditis

afib; low-voltage QRS complex

EchoKG in constrictive pericarditis

pericardial thickening; abnormal septal motion; biatrial enlargement

complication of mediastinal irradiation

constrictive pericarditis

why aortic stenosis causes anginal pain in physical activity

hyperthrophy and increased oxygen demand

vasovagal syncope is precipitated by ... and is preceded by ...

emotinal reaction; dizzines, weakness, nausea

cause of orthostatic syncope

autonomic dysfunction; drug-induced postural hypotension

most common cause of resistant hypertension


aldosterone/renin ration > 20:1

primary aldosteronism

resistant hypertension with uneplained hypokalemia

primary aldosteronism

urinary ecretion of vanillylmandelic acid is increased in ...


patients with ... generally presents with episodic pounding headaches, palpitations, and diaphoresis associated with paroxysmal elevation in blood pressure


HFE gene mutation


HFE gene encoding ...

beta-2 macroglobulin

liver complications of hemochromatosis

cirrhosis; hepatocellular carcinoma

medication to treat hempchromatosis



iron chelator

location of gene mutation in hereditary hemochromatosis

HFE gene on chromosome 6

renovascular hypertension should be suspected in all patients with resistant hypertension and ..(3) or (1)

diffuse atherosclerosis; asymmetric kidney size; recurrent flash pulmonary edema; or creatinine >30%

... caused by temporary spasm of the coronary arteries

variant angina(Prinzmetal's angina)

... occur in the setting of hypertension, and affect small, penetrating arteries which supply the basal ganglia, subcortical white matter, and pons

lacunar stroke

occlusion of small penetrating arteries by microatheroma and lipohyalinosis is the mechanism of ...

lacunar stroke

reversible risk factors for atrial premature beats (2)

tobacco and alcohol

most specific arrythmia for digitalis toxicity

atrial tachycardia with AV block

heart sound "ken-tuc-KY"

third heart sound

... is believed to result when inflow from the left atrium strikes blood that is already in theleft ventricle, causing reverberation of blood between the left ventricular walls


S3 appearence later in life is often a sign of ...

left ventricular failure

diltiazem is not beneficial in the treatment of patients with decompensated heart failure due to ...

its negative inotropic effects

cardivascular features of Marfan syndrome(3)

aortic insuficiency; mtral valve prolapse; aortic dissection

pulmonary features of Marfan syndrome

spontaneous pneumothorax from apical blebs

skin manifestations of Marfan syndrome (2)

recurrent or incisional hernia; skin striae

ocular complications of Marfan syndrome (1)

ectopia lentis

a wide and fixed splitting of the second heart sound is present in patients with ...

atrial septal defect

Holt-Oram syndrome -?

upper limb defects + atrial septal defect

opening sanp is asociated with ..

mitral stenosis

pulse with decreased amplitude and elayed peak

pulsus parvus et tardus

pulsus parvus et tardus is commonly seen in

severe aortic stenosis

common side effect of the treatment with dihydropyridine Ca-channel antagonists

peripheral edema

... causes temporary AV block, which is useful in underlying - and in some cases, terminating supraventricular tachycardia


thx of symptomatic sinus bradycardia

IV atropine

viral myocarditis is most commonly seen following .... infection

Coxackievirus B

initial management for atrial fibrillation (2)

rate contorl with beta-blockers or Ca blockers(diltiazem)

patients with afib >48 hours can develop ...

left atrial appendage thrombus

patients with long standing afib(<48 hours) should receive initial .... with 3-4 weeks of ... before cardioversion is attempted

initial rate control with 3-4 weeks of anticoagulation

persistent ST-segment elevation after a recent MI and deep Q waves in the same leads

ventricular aneurism

mechanical complication of acute MI that typically occus 2-7 days after the infarct; causes an acute severe mitral regurgitation

papillary muscle rupture

most common ECG signs of pericardial effusion (2)

low-voltage QRS complexes; electrical alternans

occlusion of the proximal right coronary artery leads to (2)

right ventricular infarction; inferior wall MI

capture of electrical signal through both the atrium and ventricle briefly

fusion beat

preffered thx for sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia

IV amiodarone

ultra-short acting beta bloker used for rapid rate control in atrial flutter or fibrillation


common causes of exertional syncope (2)

ventricular tachycardia; left ventr. outflow obstruction

pulsus paradoxus calssically is seen in ...

cardiac tamponade

capillary pulsations in the fingers and lips may be observed in ...

aortic regurgiation

late diastolic murmurs are heard most commonly in ...

mitral stenosis

opening snap is seen in ..

mitral stenosis

patients with mitral stenosis present with (2)

pulmonary edema; atrial fibrillation

etiology of constrictive pericarditis (3)

idiopathic/viral; cardiac surgery/radiation; TB

clinical presentation of constrictive pericarditis (6) F and D; PE and A; JP; PK; PP; KS

fatigue and dyspnea on exertion; peripheral edema and ascites; elevated jugular venous pressure; pericardial knock; pulsus paradoxus; Kussmaul's sign

ECG in constrictive pericarditis

afib; low QRS voltage

2 most common causes of cor pulmonale

COPD; pulmonary emboli

signs of pulmonary hypertension (2)

widley split S2; increased intensity of the pulmonic component of S2

cause of CHagas disease

trypanosoma cruzi

Chagas disease can cause (3)

megacolon; megaesophagus; cardiac failure

common side effect of Ca blocker thx

peripheral edema

mechanism of Ca blocker thx edema

preferential dilation of precapillary vessels(arteriolar), which leads to increased capillary hydrostatic pressure and fluid etravasation

what medications decreas risk of Ca blocker thx associated edema

ACE inhibitor/ARBs

side effects of hydrochlorthiazide (5)

electrolyte imbalances; renal failure; hyperuricemia; high glucose; high cholesterol

losartan -?

angiotesin receptor blocker

side effects of beta blockers (5)

worse of CHF; bradyarrythmias; increased airway resistance(in asthma); generalized fatigue; sexual dysfunction

severe hypertension with retinal hemorrhages, exudates, or papilledema

malignant hypertension

features of malignant hypertension (3)

retinal hemorrhages, exudates, or papilledema

features of hypertensive encephalopathy (2)

cerebral edema; non-localizing neuro symptoms and signs

severe hypertension with cerebral edema and non-localizing neuro symptoms and signs

hypertensive encephalopathy

acute thx for dissection of aorta

IV labetalol

use of Ca++ blockers in aortic dissection leads to

can cause reflex tachycardia and increases stress on aortic wall

main reasons for the increased incidence of orthostatic hypotension in the eldery (2)

decreasing baroreceptor sensitivity and defects in the myocardial response to baroreflex

noniflammatory and nonatherosclerotic condition caused by abnormal cell development in the arterial wall that can lead to vessel stenosis, anurrysm, or dissection

fibromuscular dysplasia

dx confirmation of fibromuscular dysplasia

CT angiography of the abdomen or duplex ultrasound

the reason why renin is low in primary hyperaldosteronism

aldosterone supresses the renin through a feedback inhibition

cardiac manifestations of hereditary hemochromatosis (3)

restrictive cardiomyopathy; dilated cardiomyopathy; conduction adnormalities

infectious manifestations of hereditary hemochromatosis (3)

icreased susceptibility to listeria, vibrio vulnificus and yersinia enterocloitica

endocrine manifestations of hereditary hemochromatosis (3)

diabetes mellitus; secondary hypogonadism; secondary hypothyroidism

triad of hemochromatosis

cirrhosis; diabetes mellitus; skin pigmentation