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70 Cards in this Set

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Causes of _____ include infections, meningitis, encephalitis, poisonings, medications, lead, and physical trauma such as head injuries, asphyxiation, and hyperprexia.
b) syphilis
c) mental retardation
c) mental retardation
How is the degree or severity of mental retardation determined?
Care plans for mentally retarded patients are based on:
a) level of independence in self-care activities
b) willingness to cooperate with care
c) determining the baseline IQ
d) avoiding/preventing physical aggression
a) level of independence in self-care activities
____ is characterized by a withdrawal of the child into the self and into a fantasy world of his or her own creation.
The autistic child has marked abnormal or impaired development in: Pick 2:
a) physical development
b) cognitive functioning
c) social interaction
d) communication
c) social interaction and
d) communication
The nurse knows that generally the onset of autisms occurs before age:
a) 3
b) 5
c) 10
d) 13
a) 3
How might an autistic child have acted as in infant?
They might have had an aversion to affection and physical contact.
How might an autistic toddler act differently in terms of parental attachment?
Their attachment to a significant adult may be either absent or manifested as exaggerated adherence behaviors.
Describe the language of a child with autism.
Language may be totally absent, or characterized by immature structure or made up words whose meaning is clear only to those who are familiar with the child.
The non-verbal communication of autistic children is:
a) normal compared to other children
b) grossly exaggerated
c) absent or inappropriate
d) personally structured to their own meaning
c) absent or inappropriate
Talk about the important of routine in the autistic child.
Routine is hugely important. Even minor changes in the environment are often met with resistance, or sometimes with hysterical responses.
What body movements and verbalizations are typical of autistic children?
Hand-clapping, rocking, whole-body swaying and verbalizations such as repetition of words or phrases are typical.
In promoting trust and communication, what is important:
a) improving eye contact
b) establishing comfort with touch
c) minimizing safety measures
d) minimizing impulsivity
a) improving eye contact
True of False: It appropriate to have an autistic child wear a helmet, padded hand mitts, or arm covers to protect them from themselves when the risk for self-harm exists?
True, client safety is a priority nursing intervention when self-mutilative behaviors occur.
True or False: Assign a variety of caregivers to the autistic child to ensure warmth, acceptance and availability is established with all people involved in their hospital care.
False: Assign a limited number of caregivers to establish consistency and enhance the establishment and maintenance of a trusting relationship.
How long must the ADHD signs and symptoms be present for in order for a diagnosis to be made?
a) 2 weeks
b) 6 weeks
c) 2 months
d) 6 months
d) 6 months
Which of the following is a priority nursing diagnosis for a child with ADHD
a) Impaired social interaction
b) Risk for injury
c) Low self-esteem
d) Noncompliance with task expectations
b) Risk for injury related to impulsive and accident prone behavior and the inability to perceive self-harm
How should unacceptable behavior in the ADHD child be handled? It should be handled:
a) by ignoring it
b) by positively reinforcing it
c) not drawing attention to it
d) via aversive reinforcement
d) via aversive reinforcement: Unacceptable behavior needs to be dealt with in a matter-of-fact manner, and threatened consequence need to be followed through on: I.E no empty threats
Which of the following medications is specifically approved for treating ADHD in children?
a) dextroamphetamine(Dexadrine)
b) methylphenidate(Ritalin/Concerta)
c) dextroamphetamine/ amphetamine composite(Adderoll)
d) atomoxetine (Strattera)
d) atomoxetine (Strattera); Although the other meds listed are sometimes used to treat children with ADHD
What type of medications are dextroamphetamine(Dexadrine), methylphenidate(Ritalin/Concerta), and dextroamphetamine/ amphetamine composite(Adderoll)?
a) stimulants
b) depressants
d) anti psychotics
a) stimulants
What is the drug classification of atomoxetine (Strattera)?
a) stimulants
b) depressants
d) anti psychotics
c) SNRI (selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor)
How should CNS stimulants be administered in order to reduce anorexia?
a) at least 1 hour before meals
b) at least 1 hour after meals
c) with meals/right after meals
d) it is not given in regards to meals
c) with meals/ right after meals
True or False: In children with behavioral disorders, a drug "holiday" should be attempted periodically.
True: This drug "holiday" should be attempted periodically under the direction of the physician to determine effectiveness of the medication and need for continuation
What disorder is characterized by repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated?
b) borderline personality disorder
c) conduct disorder
d) oppositional defiant disorder
c) conduct disorder
What is a common finding with conduct disorder?
a) social isolation
b) hyperactivity
c) aggression
d) high temperament
c) aggression
Describe the behaviors and deviations from the norm that children with conduct disorder have.
They are aggressive to people and animals, destructive to property, deceitful, theives, serious violatiors of school and home rules.
What disorder is characterized by a pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior toward authority figures that occurs more frequently than is usually observed in individuals of comparable age and developmental level, and interferes with social, academic, or occupational functioning?
b) borderline personality disorder
c) conduct disorder
d) oppositional defiant disorder
d) oppositional defiant disorder
What differentiates oppositional defiant disorder from conduct disorder?
ODD does not involve violating the rights of others.
What disorder is characterized by passive-aggressive behaviors such as stubbornness, procrastination, disobedience, carelessness, negativism, testing of limits, resistance to directions, deliberately ignoring the communication of others, and unwillingness to compromise?
ODD or oppositional defiant disorder.
The nurse knows that the oppositional attitude in children with ODD is directed toward
a) everyone
b) family
c) adults
d) peers
c) adults
Describe the social lives of children with ODD.
a) they are friendless
b) they have a lot of friends
c) their social lives are not effected
d) it varies
a) they are friendless, perceiving human relationships as negative and unsatisfactory
The essential feature of ___ is the presence of multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics.
What is palilali?
Repeating one's own sounds or words.
Due to low tolerance for frustration, an appropriate nursing diagnosis for the child with Tourette's disorder would be:
a) Risk for self-directed violence
b) Impaired social interaction
c) Low self-esteem
a) Risk for self-directed violence related to low tolerance for frustration
Which of the following is an appropriate outcome for a patient diagnosed with Tourette's? The client will
a) verbalized negative aspects about self
b) follow rules of the unit without becoming defensive
c) no longer demonstrate tic behavior
d) avoid frequent interaction with staff and peers
b) follow rules of the unit without becoming defensive; otherwise demonstrate self-control by MANAGING tic behavior, verbalize POSITIVE aspects about self and interact with staff and pees in an appropriate manner
What is the drug of choice for treatment of Tourette's?
a) haloperidol (Haldol)
b) pimozide (Orap)
c) palilalia (Primizone)
d) clonidine (Catapres)
a) haloperidol (Haldol)
What drug can be used in the management of severe motor or vocal tics that have failed to respond to more conventional treatment?
a) haloperidol (Haldol)
b) pimozide (Orap)
c) palilalia (Primizone)
d) clonidine (Catapres)
b) pimozide (Orap)
*Think, Orap: Crap-other things didn't work!
Pimozide (Orap) is NOT recommended for:
a) children with a dual diagnosis
b) children who have taken Haldol in the past 6 weeks
c) children under 12
d) children with frequent manic episodes
c) children under 12
Which of the following is a priority nursing diagnosis for the child with Tourette's disorder?
a) risk for self-directed violence
b) impaired social interaction
c) low self-esteem
d) ineffective coping
a) risk for self-directed violence: particularly self mutilation
True or False: With the patient with Tourette's, tics are uncontrollable muscular movements caused by overstimulation of the CNS due to neurochemical imbalance.
False: Tics are controllable via medication and behavioral therapy. The client can choose to suppress tics.
Why do some physicians use clonidine as a first choice for pharmaceutical treatment of Tourette's disorder?
a) works faster
b) less side effects
c) can be given in smaller doses
d) has less withdrawl effects when discontinued
b) has fewer side effects
What is recommended prior to and during therapy if atypical antipsychotics are used in children to treat Tourette's disorder?
a) blood tests
b) ECGs
c) EEG
d) CT-Scan
b) ECGs to monitor QT intervals when using these medications
In an effort to help the mild-to-moderately mentally retarded child develop satisfying relationships with others, which of the following nursing interventions is most appropriate?
a) interpret the child's behaviors for others
b) set limits on behaviors for others
c) allow the child to behave spontaneously, for he or she has no concept of right or wrong
d) this child is not capable or forming social relationships
b) Set limits on behavior that is socially inappropriate
Which of the following groups are most commonly used for drug management of the hyperactive child?
a) CNS depressants
b) CNS stimulants
c) Anticonvulsants
d) major tranquilizers
b) CNS stimulants
The child with ADHD has a nursing diagnosis of impaired social interaction. An appropriate nursing intervention for this child is:
a) socially isolate the child when interactions with others are inappropriate
b) set limits with consequences on inappropriate behaviors
c) provide rewards for appropriate behaviors
d) b and c
e) a, b and c
d) b and c
Which group of people is at most risk for intimate partner violence?
a) women ages 20-34
b) women ages 14-23
c) women ages 10-22
d) all of the above
a) women ages 20-34
What is the most common reason women stated for not reporting abuse?
a) financial instability
b) love/feelings for the person
c) fear of reprisal
d) feeling it was their own fault
c) fear of reprisal
What is the typical profile of the abused victim?
a) poor
b) low education
c) poor social network
d) it varies
d) it varies: Women and men of all races, ages, religions, cultures, educations and socioeconomic levels are abused
During which phase of the cycle of battering does the woman sense that the man's tolerance for frustration is declining and he becomes angry with little provocation?
a) Phase I: The Tension-Building Phase
b) Phase II: The Acute Battering Incident
c) Phase III: Calm, Loving, Respite
a) Phase I: The Tension-Building Phase
True or False: Some women intentionally provoke the passage into Phase II: The Acute Battering Incident.
True: Having come to a point in phase I in which the tension is unbearable, long-term battered women know that once the acute battering incident is behind them, things will get better.
In general, what is the abuser thinking during Phase III, and how does he act?
He is thinking that she might leave him and uses every bit of charm he can muster to ensure this does not happen. He acts extremely loving, kind and promises that the abuse will never happen again.
Which of the following behaviors in a child is indicative of abuse:
a) has a strong attachment to their parents
b) show extremes in behaviors
c) has never attempted suicide
d) constantly berates his parents
b) shows extremes in behavior such as overly compliant or demanding behavior, extreme passivity or aggression
Which of the following may indicate neglect in a child?
a) insists on showering several times a day
b) abuses alcohol or other drugs
c) never misses a day of school
d) states that only her parents can provide her with care
b) abuses alcohol or other drugs
What are some signs of sexual abuse in a child? CATA
a) lacks sufficient clothing for the weather
b) is frequently absent from school
c) reports nightmares
d) runs away
e) abuses drugs or alcohol
f) experiences a sudden change in appetite
g) is consistently dirty and has severe body odor
c) reports nightmares
d) runs away
f) experiences a sudden change in appetite
All the others are signs of neglect
When is the typical onset of incestuous relationships?
a) 18 years old
b) 14-17 years old
c) 10-13 years old
d) 8-10 years old
d) 8-10 years old
The adult survivor of incest is likely to have issues with:
a) social interaction
b) sexual relations
c) child rearing
d) trust
d) trust: There is a fundamental lack of trust resulting from an unsatisfactory parent-child relationship, which causes low self-esteem and a poor sense of identity.
In order to be convicted of statutory rape, the man must be older than:
a) 14
b) 16
c) 18
d) 21
b) 16
True or False: Most rapists do not have a history of mental illness.
Why are most stranger rape victims chosen?
a) looks
b) behavior
c) incoherence (intoxication/drugs)
d) opportunity
d) opportunity: just being in the right place at the right time
As a nurse working in the ER with a recently admitted spousal abuse victim, what is the best way to handle this woman who has told you she is choosing to go home to the abuser?
a) tell her she has to report to the police that she is going against hospital advise
b) tell her you do not advise it but the final decision is up to her
c) tell her she is making a huge mistake
d) tell her it is against hospital policy to allow her to go home with this man as it will put her in immediate danger
b) tell her you do not advise it but the final decision is up to her: Ensure that "rescue" efforts are not attempted by the nurse. Offer support, but remember that the final decision must be made by the client
True or False: Using game or play to get information out of an abused child is ill-advised as it is deceiving and will break their trust.
False: Using games or play therapy to gain the child's trust will help to assist in describing his or her side of the story. These types of play activities can provide a nonthreatening environment that may enhance the child's attempt to discuss these painful issues
_____ is an important part of the service of battered women shelters.
a) group work
b) Initiating conversation with the abusers
c) medication therapy
d) employment stipulations
a) group work
What is the priority action for the client during the immediate period of crisis upon arrival at a shelter?
a) planning for the future
b) avoiding contract with the abuser
c) contacting her lawyer
d) taking time to experience relief and safety
d) taking time to experience relief and safety
Following an abusive incident, the woman says "I didn't want to come to the ER. He was drinking, and I was being a bitch". The best response is:
a) How often does he drink?
b) Have you been experiencing a lot of changes in emotion?
c) Its not your fault, you did the right thing by coming here
d) He is not a good husband. You have to leave him before he kills you.
c) Its not your fault, you did the right thing by coming here
A child presents with nausea, vomiting, has bruises on her arms and torso in various shades of healing. She also has some small scars and her abdomen protrudes on her small, thin frame. From the objective physical assessment, the nurse suspects:
a) physical and sexual abuse
b) physical abuse and neglect
c) emotional neglect
d) sexual and emotional abuse
b) physical abuse and neglect
What the f is "granny-dumping"
a) physical abuse of elderly
b) sexual abuse of elderly
c) elderly abandonment at a location
d) elderly neglect
c) elderly abandonment at a location(ER, nursing home)-literally dropping them off and abandoning them somewhere when the strain of care giving becomes intolerable
Which of the following populations is at additional stress?
a) baby boomers
b) "man in the middle" generation
c) families with 2 or more children
d) sandwich generation
d) sandwich generation: This group involves people who delayed child-bearing so that they are now at a point in their lives when they are "sandwiched" between providing care for their children and providing care for their aging parents
How do you handle abused elderly who choose to return to the abusive situation?
a) contact a social worker
b) refer them to your nurse manager
c) report the abusers to the authorities
d) provide them with names and numbers to call for assistance if needed
d) provide them with names and numbers to call for assistance if needed
Stanley is deaf on his right side. Which is the most appropriate nursing intervention for communicating with Stanley?
a) speak loudly into his left ear
b) speak to him from a front position on his left side
c) speak face-to-face in a high pitched voice
d) speak face-to-face in a low-pitched voice
d) speak face-to-face in a low-pitched voice
An elderly man just lost his best friend. He hasn't been eating well and has lost some weight. He has become increasingly withdrawn and has periods of confusion and forgetfulness since the funeral, but most of the time his thought processes are intact. What is his priority nursing diagnosis?
a) dysfunctional grieving
b) inbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
c) social isolation
d) risk for injury
a) dysfunctional grieving