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137 Cards in this Set

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استبقى يستبقي الاستبقاء istabaqaa yastabiqy al-istibaqaa&#x27
;Hold back spare protect. Captain America cried “istabaqaa it’s the Buck as in Bucky and I made him stay ask him to stay behind sparing and protecting him from the Nazis. 0 30 Jul 07
حدث ج أحداث hadaTH ahdaaTH
Incident occurrence misdeed. The Shakespearean Grandpa said 'hadaTH' had with Shakespearean ending and incident accident occurrence in my pants and I'm scared 'ahdaaTH' to death someone will notice. 0 30 Jul 07
أحداث ahdaaTH
Plural incidents occurrences حدث ج أحداث hadaTH ahdaaTH Incident occurrence misdeed. The Shakespearean Grandpa said 'hadaTH' had with Shakespearean ending and incident accident occurrence in my pants and I'm scared 'ahdaaTH' to death someone will notice. 0 30 Jul 07
منع يمنع المنع mana&#x27
a yamna'u al-man';To stop prevent holdback. Root where mamnuwa comes from. The point of the chastity belt was to prevent another 'mana'a' man from sleeping with your wife so she could say 'yamna'' yeah I'm now just like you left me and no 'man' ' man has touched me. 0 30 Jul 07
يمنع yamna&#x27
u;active of to stop prevent holdback. منع يمنع المنع mana'a yamna'u al-man' To stop prevent holdback. Root where mamnuwa comes from. The point of the chastity belt was to prevent another 'mana'a' man from sleeping with your wife so she could say 'yamna'' yeah I'm now just like you left me and no 'man' ' man has touched me. 0 30 Jul 07
المنع al-man&#x27
;Masdar of to stop prevent holdback. منع يمنع المنع mana'a yamna'u al-man' To stop prevent holdback. Root where mamnuwa comes from. The point of the chastity belt was to prevent another 'mana'a' man from sleeping with your wife so she could say 'yamna'' yeah I'm now just like you left me and no 'man' ' man has touched me. 0 30 Jul 07
تجوال tajwaal
Roving touring wandering migration. There are lots of people roving around touring Jerusalem to 'taj' touch the wailing 'waal' wall. 0 30 Jul 07
مباراة ج مباريات mubaaraah mubaarayaat
Contest tournament match. If you ask an athlete what they want to do after a match they'll say spend 'mu' more time at the space 'baaraah' bar where 'rayaat' rays shoot out of the strobe light. 0 30 Jul 07
مباريات mubaarayaat
plural contest tournament match. مباراة ج مباريات mubaaraah mubaarayaat Contest tournament match. If you ask an athlete what they want to do after a match they'll say spend 'mu' more time at the space 'baaraah' bar where 'rayaat' rays shoot out of the strobe light. 0 30 Jul 07
منتخب ج منتخبات muntaKHab muntaKHabaat
Representative team chosen elected. The chosen representative swim suite team knows they just need to 'munta' moon to get a 'KHab' cab and the cab driver will pull right over and be at their command. 0 30 Jul 07
منتخبات muntaKHabaat
Plural representative team chosen elected منتخب ج منخبات muntaKHab muntaKHabaat Representative team chosen elected. The chosen representative swim suit team knows they just need to 'munta' moon to get a 'KHab' cab and the cab driver will pull right over and be at their command. 0 30 Jul 07
نظير ج نظراء/ نظائر naZiir nuZaraa&#x27
naZaa'ir;Counterpart parrallel facing opposite. The other politicians don't take their counterpart Nadir very seriousl they're afraid he'll lead to a 'nuZaraa' ' nother upset where a Republican wins so they put their 'naZ' noise in the 'aa'ir' air at him. 0 30 Jul 07
نظراء nuZaraa&#x27
;One of the plurals of counterpart parallel facing opposite نظير ج نظراء/ نظائر naZiir nuZaraa' naZaa'ir
نظائر naSaa&#x27
ir;One of the plurals of counterpart parallel facing opposite نظير ج نظراء/ نظائر naZiir nuZaraa' naZaa'ir
للاشيء lilaa SHay&#x27
;To nothing like in score in sports. 0 30 Jul 07
إجراء ج ات ijraa&#x27
ijraa'at;Measures steps procedures. Because I specialize in technical drawing 'ijraa'' I draw in steps and measures 'aat' my drafting table. 0 30 Jul 07
مشدد maSHaddad
Strict stern severe intense. Thanks for being to strict severe now 'maSHaddad' me shy dad. 0 30 Jul 07
نزل ينزل النزول nazala yanzilu nuzuul
To descend. In the morning Frodo will descend from the bed to 'nazala' nuzzle Lucky and 'yan' yawn while sitting 'zilu' still on her lap. 'Nuzuul' no zoo will take a dog like that because he's too boring. 0 30 Jul 07
ينزل yanzilu
imperfect of descend نزل ينزل النزول nazala yanzilu nuzuul To descend. In the morning Frodo will descend from the bed to 'nazala' nuzzle Lucky and 'yan' yawn while sitting 'zilu' still on her lap. 'Nuzuul' no zoo will take a dog like that because he's too boring. 0 30 Jul 07
النزول nuzuul
Masdar of descend نزل ينزل النزول nazala yanzilu nuzuul To descend. In the morning Frodo will descend from the bed to 'nazala' nuzzle Lucky and 'yan' yawn while sitting 'zilu' still on her lap. 'Nuzuul' no zoo will take a dog like that because he's too boring. 0 30 Jul 07
وحد يوحد تحيد waHHada yuwaHHid at-tawHiid
To unite connect join. Just remember it's II to make something I. Also 'tawhiid' is belief in the oneness of God. 0 30 Jul 07
صف ج صفوف saff sufuuf
Class classroom rank file line. From the 'saff' that Lebanese movies the Germans want to 'sufuuf' sew five of those cute girls because they wouldn't get in a line. 0 30 Jul 07
صفوف Sufuuf
Plural classes classrooms ranks files linesصف ج صفوف saff sufuuf Class classroom rank file line. From the 'saff' that Lebanese movies the Germans want to 'sufuuf' sew five of those cute girls because they wouldn't get in a line. 0 30 Jul 07
تجاهل يتجاهل التجاهل tajaahala yatajaahil at-tajaahul
To ignore. People are ignoring that America likes 'tajaahala' to jail innocent people in Guantanamo. 0 30 Jul 07
محتفل ج محتفلون muhtafil muhtafiluun
Partiers Celebrators. At a NAMBLA party the partiers are always like 'muhtafil' more tafil or children would make this way more fun. I wish I could 'uun' a few.
مخافة ج مخاوف maKHafa maKHawif
Fear dread. When I travel to the Middle east I fear dread that 'maKHafa' my head in German will get cut off. I'd offer 'maKHawif' my cow if they wouldn't kill me. 0 30 Jul 07
مخاوف maKHawif
Plural fears dreadمخافة ج مخاوف maKHafa maKHawif Fear dread. When I travel to the Middle east I fear dread that 'maKHafa' my head in German will get cut off. I'd offer 'maKHawif' my cow if they wouldn't kill me. 0 30 Jul 07
وقوع ج وقوعات wuquu&#x27
wuquu'aat;Incident event occurrence. There was an incident where a girl brushed up against a boy. He was like 'wuquu' ' wooh cool look 'aat' that. 0 30 Jul 07
وقوعات wuquu&#x27
aat;plural incidents events occurrences وقوع ج وقوعات wuquu' wuquu'aat Incident event occurrence. There was an incident where a girl brushed up against a boy. He was like 'wuquu' ' wooh cool look 'aat' that. 0 30 Jul 07
شبيهة ج شباه SHabiih SHibaah
Similar like resembling. When the prince's brother who was lost at birth put on his brother's clothes he said not shabih huh. I look similar to you. Not 'SHabiih' huh. The other brother said hey those aren't 'SHibaah' cheap. 0 30 Jul 07
شباه SHibaah
Plural similar like resembling شبيهة ج شباه SHabiih SHibaah Similar like resembling. When the prince's brother who was lost at birth put on his brother's clothes he said not shabih huh. I look similar to you. Not 'SHabiih' huh. The other brother said hey those aren't 'SHibaah' cheap. 0 30 Jul 07
أهل يهل التأهيل ahhala yahhal at-tahiil
To qualify make fit enable make possible. Just because II people get married doesn't qualify make them fit to start a family especially if they're a bunch a ahhala a-holes We shouldn't enable them to do so. It also doesn't qualify them to be doctors trying 'tahiil' to heal people. 0 30 Jul 07
منتخب ج منخبات muntaKHab muntaKHabaat
Representative team chosen elected. The chosen representative swim suite team knows they just need to 'munta' moon to get a 'KHab' cab and the cab driver will pull right over and be at their command. 0 30 Jul 07
ضحية ج ضحايا DaHiya DaHaayaa
Victim slaughter sacrifice. Vampires want nothing more from their victims then for them to 'DaHiya' die but Buffy won't be a victim she gives them 'DaHaaya' the hi ya karate news. 0 30 Jul 07
ضحايا DaHiya
Plural victims sacrifices ضحية ج ضحايا DaHiya DaHaayaa Victim slaughter sacrifice. Vampires want nothing more from their victims then for them to 'DaHiya' die but Buffy won't be a victim she gives them 'DaHaaya' the hi ya karate news. 0 30 Jul 07
قتيل qatiil
Killed causality. Kind of obvious. 0 30 Jul 07
جرح يجرح الجرح jaraha yajrah al-jarh
To injure hurt. The weenie was embarrassed when he injured himself trying to open a 'jarah' jar. 0 30 Jul 07
يجرح yajrahu
active to injure hurt جرح يجرح الجرح jaraha yajrah al-jarh
الجرح al-jarh
masdar to injure hurt جرح يجرح الجرح jaraha yajrah al-jarh
نحو nahwa
In the direction of toward around. Russian officers would just yell 'nahwa' now to get the soldiers going in the direction toward around where they wanted them to go. 0 30 Jul 07
ردد يردد الترديد raddad yuraddid at-tardiid
To echo repeat throw back. Anikan still hears the echoing of the noises from the Tuskan Raiders who 'raddada' raided his mother after he killed them. In the end he got burned up in the 'tar' tar for what he 'diid' did. 0 30 Jul 07
ألف ج الوف آلاف alf uluf aalaaf
Thousand millennium. If you have thousands of dollars like 'alf' alien from the show you can be 'uluf' aloof and you just think that others are 'aalaaf' a laugh. 0 30 Jul 07
الوف uluf
One of the plurals of thousand. ألف ج الوف آلاف alf uluf aalaaf Thousand millennium. If you have thousands of dollars like 'alf' alien from the show you can be 'uluf' aloof and you just think that others are 'aalaaf' a laugh. 0 30 Jul 07
آلاف aalaaf
One of the plurals of thousand. ألف ج الوف آلاف alf uluf aalaaf Thousand millennium. If you have thousands of dollars like 'alf' alien from the show you can be 'uluf' aloof and you just think that others are 'aalaaf' a laugh. 0 30 Jul 07
هتاف ج هتافات hutaaf hutaafaat
Yelling. In the video 'Bad' Michael Jackson lets out a yell to get in touch with 'hutaaf' who is tough 'aat' the area so they would come and fight. 0 30 Jul 07
هتافات hutaafaat
plural yells callsهتاف ج هتافات hutaaf hutaafaatYelling. In the video 'Bad' Michael Jackson lets out a yell to get in touch with 'hutaaf' who is tough 'aat' the area so they would come and fight. 0 30 Jul 07
حزين ج حزناء حزان حزانى Haziin Huzanaa&#x27
Hizaan Hazaanaa;Sad mourning sorrowing mournful. If I 'Haziin' I seem sad it's because I'm in mourning since my family died down to the last 'Huzanaa'' cousin 'Hizaan' his son and 'Hazaanaa' Hosana. 0 30 Jul 07
حزناء Huzanaa&#x27
;One of the plurals of Sad mourning sorrowing mournful. If I 'Haziin' I seem sad it's because I'm in mourning since my family died down to the last 'Huzanaa'' cousin 'Hizaan' his son and 'Hazaanaa' Hosana. 0 30 Jul 07
حزان Hizaan
One of the plurals of Sad mourning sorrowing mournful. If I 'Haziin' I seem sad it's because I'm in mourning since my family died down to the last 'Huzanaa'' cousin 'Hizaan' his son and 'Hazaanaa' Hosana. 0 30 Jul 07
حزانى Hazaanaa
One of the plurals of Sad mourning sorrowing mournful. If I 'Haziin' I seem sad it's because I'm in mourning since my family died down to the last 'Huzanaa'' cousin 'Hizaan' his son and 'Hazaanaa' Hosana. 0 30 Jul 07
لاعب ج لاعبون laa&#x27
b laa'buun;Player athletes. In modern sports great players and athletes are made in the 'laa'b' lab as much as their made in the gym these days. 0 30 Jul 07
ملعب ج ملاعب mal&#x27
aab malaa'b;Athletic field stadium playground. Just before they beat him up the jocks asked the nerd if would meet them on the athletic field stadium. He said ' 'mal'aab' my lab is my stadium!' He felt 'mal' bad after being punched in the 'aa'b' ab as in abdomen. 0 30 Jul 07
ملاعب malaa&#x27
b;plural fields stadiums playgrounds
جرح ج جراح جروح جروحات أجراح jurH jiraH juruuH juruuHaat ajraaH
Injury wound lesion. If you're a Jewish guy on a jurH jury in a mob trial you're worried about getting injured by the gangster whose trying to 'jiraH' jeer at you. 'Ju' jew you'll 'ruuH' rue the day you came in here with your funny 'Haat.' You need 'ajraaH' I draw a picture I'm going to give you an injury.' 0 30 Jul 07
جراح jiraH
One of the plurals of injury wound جرح ج جراح جروح جروحات أجراح jurH jiraH juruuH juruuHaat ajraaH Injury wound lesion. If you're a Jewish guy on a jurH jury in a mob trial you're worried about getting injured by the gangster whose trying to 'jiraH' jeer at you. 'Ju' jew you'll 'ruuH' rue the day you came in here with your funny 'Haat.' You need 'ajraaH' I draw a picture I'm going to give you an injury.' 0 30 Jul 07
جروح juruuH
One of the plurals of injury wound جرح ج جراح جروح جروحات أجراح jurH jiraH juruuH juruuHaat ajraaH Injury wound lesion. If you're a Jewish guy on a jurH jury in a mob trial you're worried about getting injured by the gangster whose trying to 'jiraH' jeer at you. 'Ju' jew you'll 'ruuH' rue the day you came in here with your funny 'Haat.' You need 'ajraaH' I draw a picture I'm going to give you an injury.' 0 30 Jul 07
جروحات juruuHaat
One of the plurals of injury wound جرح ج جراح جروح جروحات أجراح jurH jiraH juruuH juruuHaat ajraaH Injury wound lesion. If you're a Jewish guy on a jurH jury in a mob trial you're worried about getting injured by the gangster whose trying to 'jiraH' jeer at you. 'Ju' jew you'll 'ruuH' rue the day you came in here with your funny 'Haat.' You need 'ajraaH' I draw a picture I'm going to give you an injury.' 0 30 Jul 07
أجراح ajraaH
One of the plurals of injury wound جرح ج جراح جروح جروحات أجراح jurH jiraH juruuH juruuHaat ajraaH Injury wound lesion. If you're a Jewish guy on a jurH jury in a mob trial you're worried about getting injured by the gangster whose trying to 'jiraH' jeer at you. 'Ju' jew you'll 'ruuH' rue the day you came in here with your funny 'Haat.' You need 'ajraaH' I draw a picture I'm going to give you an injury.' 0 30 Jul 07
هتاف ج هتافات hutaaf hutaafaat
Yelling. In the video 'Bad' Michael Jackson lets out a yell to get in touch with 'hutaaf' who is tough 'aat' the area so they would come and fight. 0 30 Jul 07
هتافات hutaafaat
Plural yells cries هتاف ج هتافات hutaaf hutaafaatYelling. In the video 'Bad' Michael Jackson lets out a yell to get in touch with 'hutaaf' who is tough 'aat' the area so they would come and fight. 0 30 Jul 07
نبه ينبه التنبيه nabbaha yunabbih at-tanbiih
To Alert take notice of. The girl's parents were alerted that a clown pedophile ه tried to 'nabbaha' nab her while he was dressed in a 'tanbiih' tan bee costume. Logial causative form II meaning of نبه ينبه النبه nabaha yanbahu al-nabah To pay attention heed mind observe. If God were really a woman everyone would pay attention heed mind observe 'nabaha' نبيها her prophet who would say 'yanbah' you one's buy Alanis Morissette's albums. Get one even if you have to nabah nab a copy. 0 30 Jul 07
صراع ج صراعات siraa&#x27
siraa'at;Struggle conflict. Class struggle and conflict is always fought between the kind of people who drink 'siraa'' that wine I can't spell who look down 'at' beer drinkers. 0 30 Jul 07
صراعات siraa&#x27
aat;Plural struggles conflicts. Class struggle and conflict is always fought between the kind of people who drink 'siraa'' that wine I can't spell who look down 'at' beer drinkers. 0 30 Jul 07
بغيض bagiid
Hateful abominable odious ugly. Some people think John Buscemi is ugly becuase he's all 'bagiid' bug eyed. 0 30 Jul 07
جدوى jadwaa
Use worth. Driving a 'jadwaa' Jeddah is cool but it has no use or worth if you can't afford to keep it running. 0 30 Jul 07
لا جدوى منه laa jadwa minhu
There's no point to it. When the girl who loves loves Volkswagens meets guys she asks them if they have a 'jadwaa' Jeddah. If there is 'laas jadwa minhu' no Jeddah from it she doesn't have anything to do with him. 0 30 Jul 07
فشل يفشل الفشل faSHila yafSHal faSHal
To fail lose courage be cowardly. Advice for a young guy whose about to get into a fight in front of his girlfriend: 'don't fail loose courage or be cowardly 'faSHila' for she will take 'yaf' off she 'SHal' shal 'fa' for you 'SHal' will regret it. 0 30 Jul 07
يفشل yafSHalu
imperfect of to failفشل يفشل الفشل faSHila yafSHal faSHal To fail lose courage be cowardly. Advice for a young guy whose about to get into a fight in front of his girlfriend: 'don't fail loose courage or be cowardly 'faSHila' for she will take 'yaf' off she 'SHal' shal 'fa' for you 'SHal' will regret it. 0 30 Jul 07
الفشل al-faSHal
Masdar of to failفشل يفشل الفشل faSHila yafSHal faSHal To fail lose courage be cowardly. Advice for a young guy whose about to get into a fight in front of his girlfriend: 'don't fail loose courage or be cowardly 'faSHila' for she will take 'yaf' off she 'SHal' shal 'fa' for you 'SHal' will regret it. 0 30 Jul 07
حسبما hasabamaa
According to. According to my Grandfather I took one look at Theresa and said I don't want 'hasabamaa' a sibling mom. 0 30 Jul 07
أما amaa
As for...with the comment introduced by the ف After his mother found out he got an F ف on his test the young guy was like 'amaa' um mom as for the f ف...
مدرب ج مد ربون mudarrib mudarribuun
Coach instructor trainer. It's really tough when you're one of those little girls who does pageants and your 'muda' mother is your coach because those crazy ladies will 'rrib' rip off the head of their 'uun' own children. 0 30 Jul 07
معروف ma&#x27
ruuf;Known well-known niversally accepted generally recognized conventional. Jimmy Hendrix was well known for rocking ma'ruuf my roof off.And it's universally accepted that he could do it anytime. 0 30 Jul 07
أمثلة amTHila
One of the plurals of example similar thing standard model. مثال ج أمثلة مثل miTHaal amTHila muTHul
مثل muTHul
One of the plurals of example similar thing standard model. مثال ج أمثلة مثل miTHaal amTHila muTHul
مصغر muSaggar
Mini reduced decreased. 'Musaggar' my cigar is like yours but yours is a mini version called a cigarette. 0 30 Jul 07
مصهور maShuur
Fused melted combined. The Chimera causes maShuur mass horror because it is many creatures blended mixed together. 0 30 Jul 07
إعترف يعترف الاعتراف a&#x27
tarafa yata'rif al-i'tiraaf;To confess admit acknowledge recognize. After the police beat me for a while I finally confessed 'a'tarafa' I tore off a mattress label!' 0 30 Jul 07
فارق ج فوارق faariq fawaariq
Difference distinction distinguished differential. There is a difference between be a rockstar and a drug addict so you've gone a bit 'faariq' far Rick James now put down the 'fawaariq' fork and don't stab Charlie Murphy. 0 30 Jul 07
فوارق fawaariq
Plural differences distinctions. فارق ج فوارق faariq fawaariq
مواطنة تدعى سناء
A citizen called S'ana 0 30 Jul 07
علم ج أعلام &#x27
alam a'laam;Flag sign token. This might sound like ' 'alam' a lame thing to say but they should include a sign of 'a'laam' a lamb on the white flag. 0 30 Jul 07
بيد أن بيد baiida baiida an
Although whereas yet however When i look at Lucky and Frodo I think you're both 'baiida' bad although yet however I love you. 0 30 Jul 07
مشارك ج مشاركين muSHaarik muSHaarikuun
Participant associate partner. The 'mu' more you 'SHaar' share about being a participant partner in that orgy the more I'm like 'ik' ick I'm glad I'm on my 'uun' own. 0 30 Jul 07
مسيرة ج مسيرات masiira masiiraat
Marches Demonstrations travel journey departure flight path. The communist soldier said 'me sirat' tell me to march and do demonstrations all day. 0 30 Jul 07
لعل la&#x27
alla;Perphaps. Tell a Muslim that perhaps there's 'la'alla' لا الله. It will blow mind. Different than ربما becuae it is always the head of a complete sentence. Expresses hope or expectation. 0 30 Jul 07
إقتل يقتل الاقتتال iqatala yuqatil al-iqtaal
To fight. After I got into a metaphysical battle with religion 'aqatala' I cut Allah when I fought him. 0 30 Jul 07
إلتفت إلى iltafata ilaa
To pay attention to. Lucky says you need to pay attention to your body. Don't be like 'iltafata I'll tough it when you're ilaa ill. 0 30 Jul 07
تقسيم ج تقسيمات taQsiim taQsiimaat
Partition splitting division distribution exorcism. I'm sorry if my 'taQsiim' talk seems inappropriate. I'm a Palestinian used to living on the bad side of the partition after my country was split. I'm so angry I talk like a vomiting ق Satan س. That's why my 'taQsiim' talk seems inappropriate 'aat' parties. 0 30 Jul 07
طائفي Taa&#x27
ifii;Sectarian factional. One of the reasons for all the sectarian problems in Iraq is that everyone thinks their sect is Taa'ifii toughy. 0 30 Jul 07
محاصة muHaaSSa
Partaking allotment participating sharing. Having roommates and sharing rent only works if no one tries to take MuHaaSSA moure house than than their allotment sharing participating and partaking fairly.0 30 Jul 07
مقيت maQiit
Hated detested disgusting. The Afghan boy asked 'why would the Taliban take something good like flying a kite and maQiit make it hated detested disguisted?' 0 30 Jul 07
خجل من يخجل من الخجل من KHajila yaKHjal KHajal
To be embarrased ashamed of. Jill doesn't do well with men KHajila becauase Jill gets's embarrassed ashamed when talking to min men. Sometimes she thinks she should yaKH yuck resort to min men who have been to jal jail. But she's afraid she could KHajal catch all of diseases from them then she'd really be embarrassed ashamed. 0 30 Jul 07
أعاد يعيد الإعادة a’aada yu’aadu al-i’aadah
To cause or to return bring back take back send put إلى to. Before I left for Jordan I told Lucky a’aada I would be caused to return be brought back be send put back soon. With Masdar to re-do something to repeat reiterate go again renew resume restore repair restore reinstate reinstall. I also told her that a’aada I would be repeating this promise and redoing it through all those letters I would send.0 30 Jul 07
أصلح يصلح الإصلاح &#x27
aSlaHa yuSluHu iSlaaH;To repair reform. My Dad can say ''aSlaHa' I sell the tools you need to repair you home but I'm reformed. 0 30 Jul 07
إصلاح iSlaaH
Reform. Masdar from أصلح. My Dad says in the past 'iSlaaH' I sell tools but I've gone through some reform and I don't now. 0 30 Jul 07
هاجس ج هواجس haajis hawaajis
Idea thought fear. The idea thought fear that haajis Hajj is mandetory in your lifetime keeps Muslims having the ideas throughts fears of 'hawaajis I I just need to go to Hajj!' 0 30 Jul 07
على من غرار &#x27
alaa min giraar;Hastily in the manner of...
قاد يقيد القود القياد القيادة المقادة qaada yaquud al-quwd al-qiyaad al-qiyaada al-maqaada
To lead drive pilot. Jesse got 'qaada' caught trying to lead drive pilot a car because he thought to himself 'yaquud' you could do it just grab the 'qi' key is to 'aad' add the 'qiyaada' key to the car. I'll be the 'maqaada' mac at the /. 0 30 Jul 07
إنتحار intihaar
Suicide. If an Arab girl decides to change herself 'intihaara' into a lady of ill repute it's like committing suicide because her brother will probably kill her.0 30 Jul 07
فرح ج أفراح faRaH &#x27
afRaaH;Happiness happy occasion especially a wedding. My happiness increased dramatically when I got 'faraH' far from her in relation to Stephanie who can go to egypt and jump off a statute ''afraaH' Ra for all I'm concerned. That would be a happy occasion which would cause me to feel like I can finally exhale ح. 0 30 Jul 07
أجبر يجبر الإجبار ajbara yujbir al-ijbaar
To force compel على s.o. to hold say على over. Gabriel told the Prophet ajbara I bar you from going to jahilaya even if I have to force compel you to do what ‘ala Allah requires of you. 0 30 Jul 07
عفوية &#x27
afwiiyah;Spontaneity. We have spontaneity. We decide to do something new and 'afwiiyah off we go! 0 30 Jul 07
تظاهر ج تظاهرات taZaahur taZaahuraat
Demonstration rally. They drug your mother out in front of the demonstrations rallies related to her behavior and said 'taZaahur ta da lady of ill repute right here aat at the stage!' 0 30 Jul 07
مظاهرة ج ات muzaahara muzaaharaat
Demonstration. There were demonstrations over your 'muza' who is a 'ahara' lady of ill repute 'aat' your house. 0 30 Jul 07
أجتأح يجتيح الإجتياح ajtiiyaH yajtiyiiH al-ijtiyaaH
Strike smite quell afflict. If you're a sexually active teenager God will smite strike quell afflict you by giving an 'ajtiiyaH' itch to you that will make you sigh ح. It will destroy your life! 0 30 Jul 07
دفق يدفق الدفق dafaqa yadfuqu al-dafq
Pour spout gush overflow. After dafaqa the blank after yadfuqu you'd blank it pours spouts gushes overflows. That's what happens after dafq the blank. 0 30 Jul 07
يدفق yadfuqu
Active of to pour spout gush overflow. دفق يدفق الدفق dafaqa yadfuqu al-dafq Pour spout gush overflow. After dafaqa the blank after yadfuqu you'd blank it pours spouts gushes overflows. That's what happens after dafq the blank. 0 30 Jul 07
الدفق al-dafq
Masdar of to pour spout gush overflow. دفق يدفق الدفق dafaqa yadfuqu al-dafq Pour spout gush overflow. After dafaqa the blank after yadfuqu you'd blank it pours spouts gushes overflows. That's what happens after dafq the blank. 0 30 Jul 07
جميع / الجميع jamii&#x27
al-jamii';All everyone. If you 'jam' 'ii'' E as in ecstasy also to make me think of the long ee vowel and lack of ا to differentiate if from جامعة university and جماعة group into all the people they like everyone. 0 30 Jul 07
محافظة ج محافظات muHaafaZa muHaafaZaat
Province district. Criminals know to avoid the rich districts provinces because there's mu more of Hafaaza the fuzz aat at those locations. 0 30 Jul 07
محافظات muHaafazaat
Plural Provinces districts. محافظة ج محافظات muHaafaZa muHaafaZaat Province district. Criminals know to avoid the rich districts provinces because there's mu more of Hafaaza the fuzz aat at those locations.
علم ج أعلام &#x27
alam a'laam;Flag sign token. This might sound like ' 'alam' a lame thing to say but they should include a sign of 'a'laam' a lamb on the white flag. 0 30 Jul 07
أهزوجة ج أهازيج ahzuujah ahaaziij
Song. When Romeo wanted Juliet as ahzuujah a زوجة wife he sang her a song from below but she thought his songs sound like ahaa Ah Ha and fell asleep to get some zij z-age as in snoring while sleeping. 0 30 Jul 07
أمجد amjada
To praise glorify celebrate. The President of Iran amjada Ahmadinijad tells everyone to praise glorify celebrate his greatness. 0 30 Jul 07
فرح ج أفراح faRaH &#x27
afRaaH;Happiness happy occasion especially a wedding. My happiness increased dramatically when I got 'faraH' far from her in relations to Stephanie who can go to egypt and jump off a statute of 'raaH' Ra for all I'm concerned. That would be a happy occasion which would cause me to feel like I can finally exhale ح. 0 30 Jul 07
فوز على fawz
Success triumph victory. Masdar from فاز faaza. They told the high school athelete that he had to pass his classes if he wanted to suit up and have success triumph victory over his fawz foes so he better pray to 'alaa Allah that he would do well. 0 30 Jul 07
بطولة ج بطولات baTuula baTuulaat
Bravery heroism leading role staring role championship. The BaTuula battle aat at in Iraq calls for bravery heroism and our soldiers are taking a leading role in it. 0 30 Jul 07
إلا مرة واحدة ila marrah wahidah
Except for once. 0 30 Jul 07
ظلام Zalaam
Darkness duskiness gloom murkiness. It's Zalaam a lame horror movie if someone walks into darkness duskiness gloom murkiness and they automatically get killed. 0 30 Jul 07
كثيف ج كثاف kaTHiif kiTHaaf
Thick dense compact heavy. It's good t have heavy dense thinck possessions kaTHiif because a thief can steal light things. So if you want to kiTHaaf keep off the thieves get thick dense compact heavy possessions. 0 30 Jul 07
لف يلف الف laffa yalaff laff
Envolope cover. The evil snake will laffa laugh as it envelopes covers you. You might ask 'why do yalaff you laugh you evil snake? I laff I laugh because strangling people is funny.' 0 30 Jul 07
إنقطع ينقطع الإنقطاع inqaT&#x27
a yanqaTi'u alinqaTaa';To cut off be cut off from. The remaining 'inqaT'a' Inca are cut off from the rest of society. 0 30 Jul 07
تيار ج تيارات tayyaar tayyaaraat
Trend movement stream current. There was a trend in the s to 'tayyar' tie your shirt in the middle 'aat' at the beach. 0 30 Jul 07
حي ج أحياء Hayy aHyaa&#x27
;Quarter of a city. When you someone you know from the same quarter of the city as you but you can't remember their name you're like ' 'Hayy' hey do I know you?' Their like 'aHyaa' ' uh yeah because they're offended that you don't remember them from your quarter. -0 30 Jul 07
راح يروح الرواح raaHa yarwaaH al-rawaaH
To begin set out come to the point where come as far as with the foll. imperfect. Bin Ladin has gotten so relaxed up in his cave he's began set out come to the point come as far as putting raaHa raw cucumbers on his eyes. His followers were like 'you put cucumbers on yarwaaH your what!? That is not the rawaaH right way to do jihad!' 0 30 Jul 07
أطلق يطلق الإطلاق aTlaqa yuTliQ al-iTlaaQ
To release dispatch shoot off. After charging the Death Star Vader released 'aT' it after after he 'laqa' locked it onto the planet causing it to release dispatch shoot off a ray destroying the planet. 0 30 Jul 07
رصاص raSaas
Lead bullets. When they found the victim its 'raS' head and 'aas' were filled with bullets. 0 30 Jul 07
رصاصة rasaasa
Bullet. All the other Friends characters couldn't take 'ras' Ross any more so they went and got a bullet to kill 'rasaasa' Ross's blank. 0 30 Jul 07
معتم mu&#x27
tim;Darkening. The scarecrow noticed 'the more the sky is darkening with locusts the mu'tim the more I teem with locusts.' 0 30 Jul 07
هيأ يهيأ التهيئة hayyaa&#x27
yuhahha' al-tahii'aa;To prepare get ready. When Chuck Norris goes hayyaa' hi-ya he does it to prepare his enemies get them ready to get chopped in the face.0 30 Jul 07
ألعاب النارية al&#x27
aab naariyah;Fire Works. Al'aab a lab where they put together labradores is where they invitented naariyah your fire for fireworks. 0 30 Jul 07
توهج tawahhuj
Glowing burning blazing glistening flickering. The spaceman screamed 'were heading tawahhuj to a huge blazing flickering star!' 0 30 Jul 07
بسط يبسط البسط basaTa yabsuTu al-basT
To spread level flatten. Kids and animals should learn the bas bus wheighs aTa a ton and it will spread level flatten you. Yab you'll be in a suTu suit in a coffin if you don't watch out for the bus. So watch out unless you want to be basT paste. 0 30 Jul 07
نحو nahwa
In the direction of toward around. Russian officers would just yell 'nahwa' now to get the soldiers going in the direction toward around where they wanted them to go. 0 30 Jul 07
تبديد tabdiid
Scattering dispersal removal elimination. The Nazis thought the Jews were bad so they decided to go about the scattering dispersal removal elimination of them. They had to pay the tab tab for what they diid did when the war was over. 0 30 Jul 07
ظلمة ج ظلمات zulma zulumat
Darkness. There’s never a “dull” moment “ma” when you're in the darkness in a horror movie. 0 30 Jul 07