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33 Cards in this Set

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Area or colums where heat or rocks in the mantle are rising toward earth surface

Mantle plumes

Location on earths surface that have experienced active volcanic activities for a long period of time


Its occures when matter such as magma circulates within earth


The strongest earthquake in country


What magnitude that had chile encounter

9.5 magnitude

What magnitude earthquake jolted the provinces of bohol,cebu

7.2 magnitude

A crack across which the rocks have been offset first


A fault that in which the hangging wall moves down relative to the footwall as a result of extension

Normal fault

Also called thrust. A fault in which the hangging wall moves up relative to the footwall as a result of compression

Reverse fault

A fault which two blocks of crust slide past each other on the same plane

Strike- slip fault

It can detect the existence of a fault by studying the distances between rocks


Seismic waves are classified into two

Surface and body waves

Waves that travel below the surface of the earth

Body waves

Surface waves are classified into two

Love and rayleigh

Its travel fastest as a speed between 4-8 at earth crust,hence there are the first to arrive at a location

Compressional or p waves

It can only travel through solid materials

S waves

Moves tranverse to the direction of thr propaganda but with no vertical motion

Love waves

Also called ground roll, cause rock particles to move upaward, up backward and down in the path that contains the direction of the travel waves

Rayleigh waves

Which happen whe. Thr shiffting of earth plates are driven by the sudden release of energy within some limited region of the rock

Tectonic eartquake

The roughness or harshness along the faults


The places where the rupture slows or stops are termed

Fault barriers

This phenomeon often occurs in volcanic regions and can serve as an early warnings of volcanic eruption

Volcanic earthquake

Are small earthquake that locayed undertground and in mines that cause by the disintegration of the roof of the mine or caven or by massive landslide

Collapse earthquake

It is an earrthquake that result from detonation of chemical or nucliar devices

Explosion earthquake

Is rhe point in the ground located directly above the focus


The size of the eathquke


This scale uses the observations of the people who experience the eathquake to estimate its intensity


Full name of mercalli

Giuseppe Mercalli

He used the distance between the earthquake and seismograph and the amplitude of the largest record in seismic waves

Richter scale

Its also called pacific ring of fire

Circum pacific belt

The longest mounrain range in the world. Under the water

Mid atlantic range

Accounts for about 17% of the largest earthquake

Alpide belt

Tsunami is the japanese word

Big wave in the port