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45 Cards in this Set

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Sigmund freud
Psychoanalytic theory Of personality: levels of consciousness, structure of personality, stages of child development.
Alfred adler
Individual psychology: personality development, importance of birth order, self image, methods of pyschoanalysis
John B Watson
Behaviorism: developed an objective way of analyzing behavior that emphasized the observable behavior of individuals rather than emotional or mental state. "Little Albert"-fear of white rat then white bunny.
Ivan pavlov
Classical or respondent conditioning: dog theory about unconditioned and conditioned stimulus and response behaviors.
Jean piaget
Developed a stage modem if how children's cognitive ability develop over time
Leo Vigotsky
Child development: focused on children's learning process and use of language in learning.
Kurt Lewin
Social psychology: organizational management and applied psychology. Leadership climates (authoritarian, democratic, laissez-faire)
Anna freud
Ego defense mechanisms: identified unconscious defense mechanisms used to protect the ego.
Abraham madlow
Hierarchy of needs: pyramid of human needs thAt range from basic to higher order needs
Rene Spitz
Ego development: focused on ego development of child and relationship between mother and child. Identified "hospital ism" or "anaclitic depression"
Erik erikson
Ego psychology: expanded Freudian theories to adult development. From birth to death.
Margret mahler
Separation and individuation/ object relations: worked with disturbed children looking at infant mother interaction, and process for infant individuation. Stage based developmental theory from b-4.
BF Skinner
Operant conditioning: outlined behavioral therapy. Use of consequences to modify the Occurrence and form of behavior.
Lawrence Kohlberg
Moral development: development of moral reasoning, 6 stage model of moral judgement.
John Bowlby
Attachment theory: identified characteristics of a child's attachment to his or her caregiver and the phases that child experiences when separated from caregiver
Elisabeth Kubler-ross
Death and dying: stages individuals go through in the dying process.
James Karl and Karen Wandrei
Person in environment system (PIE): developed an assessment system that evaluates social, environmental, mental and physical health problems, and client strenghs.
Salvador Minuchin
Identified the concept of Structural family therapy.
Murray Bowen
Family theory that focuses on separation from family of origin. Triangulation central to model.
Gregory Bateson, Don Jackson, Virginia Satir, Jay Haley
Experimental family therapy came out of the mental research institute 1960.
Group work: believes individual work with group therapy is not effective. Members Gould be Heterogeneous based on conflict area.
Jay Haley
Strategic family therapy: focused on using resistance of family members to create change within families.
Mahler stages
1. Normal autism (b-1m) 2. Symbiosis/ normal (1m-4m) 3. Separation-individuation (4-8m, through 36m) - differentiation from mother/hatching (4-8m) - practicing (8-15m) - Rapprochement (15-24m) - achievement of individuality (24-36m to 4yrs)
L1: pre conventional morality, individual perspective Stage 1: punishment and obedience orientation, punishment and reward motivate. Stage 2: Naive instrumental orientation, satisfies own and others need/ hedonistic reciprocity L2: conventional morality, member if society perspective. Stage3: good boy/nice girl orientation, want to receive approval and intention is important. Stage 4: law and order orientation, correct behavior conforms to social norms. L3: post-conventional morality, autonomous identification with universal moral principles. Stage 5: social contact with societal consent. Stage 6: universal ethical principles/ individual conscience one has selected.
L1: pre conventional morality, individual perspective Stage 1: punishment and obedience orientation, punishment and reward motivate. Stage 2: Naive instrumental orientation, satisfies own and others need/ hedonistic reciprocity L2: conventional morality, member if society perspective
David Kolb
Model for experimental learning: sound, watching, feeling, thinking.
Stage1- denial, stage 2- anger, stage 3- bargaining, stage 4- depression, stage 5- acceptance.
Leon Chestang
Asserts that everyone is a part of 2 systems. Nurturing- family, friends, immediate community. Sustaining system- larger society. "Dual perspective" must switch between cultural expectations.
Karl Marx/ Max Weber
Conflict theory/ social conflict theory: individuals born to conflict, attempt to better one self over others. Results in societal change. Relationships about power and exploration.
Karl Marx/ Max Weber
Conflict theory/ social conflict theory: individuals born to conflict, attempt to better one self over others. Results in societal change. Relationships about power and exploration.
William Glasser
Reality therapy: individuals have innate needs, which the brain attempts to act on the world to meet those needs.
Aaron beck
Cognitive therapy
Albert Ellis
Rational emotive behavior therapy
Donald Meichenbaum
Self-management/ self-instruction
Marsha M Linehan
Dialectical behavioral therapy: mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation.
Marsha M Linehan
Dialectical behavioral therapy: mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation.
Steve de Shazer/ Insoo Kim Berg
Solution focused therapy, miracle ?, exception finding ?, scaling ?, presupposition all ?
Carl rodgers
Person centered therapy
Carl rodgers
Person centered therapy
Carl Jung
Jungian personality theory: Libido general psychic energy, personal and collective unconscious, personality made up of 2 parts- attitudes and basic functions
Fritz Perls
Gestalt- humans constantly discovering and reconstructing who they are
Eric Berne
Transactional analysis
Styles of communicating (4 styles serve to protect family members from revealing who they really are, 1 is functional) placater, blamer, super-reasonable, irrelevant, congruent communicator
Seven stage crisis intervention model