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15 Cards in this Set

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What is stem cell? [3]

Stem cells are unspecialised cells that divide by mitosis to produce any (from embryos) or some (from adult) differentiated cell.

Stem cells are unspecialised cells that divide by mitosis to produce any (from embryos) or some (from adult) differentiated cell.

What are the economic benefits and cost of embryo screening?

1) saves money on developing medical treatment

2) reducing cost of caring for people with generic diseases

What are the ethical issues of stem cell research?

1) killing human?

No consent taken from the embryo.

What are the ethical benefits and costs of embryo screening?

Ethical benefits

1) not producing babies who will suffer later.

2) reduced risk to mother

3 ) choice of parents

Ethical costs

1) embryo can not give consent. Rights of all embryos to life (killing humans)

2) possibility of damage to embryo

3) may destroy embryos

4) cause miscarriage

5) objections to possibility of 'designing' babies

6) choosing gender

7) allow emotive terms eg. Murder, religious arguments must be qualified.

What are the ethical benefits and costs of embryo screening?

Ethical benefits

1) not producing babies who will suffer later.

2) reduced risk to mother

3 ) choice of parents

Ethical costs

1) embryo can not give consent. Rights of all embryos to life (killing humans)

2) possibility of damage to embryo

3) may destroy embryos

4) cause miscarriage

5) objections to possibility of 'designing' babies

6) choosing gender

7) allow emotive terms eg. Murder, religious

What are the social benefits and costs of embryo screening?

Social benefits

1) prevents having the child with the disorder/prevents future suffering/reduce incidence of the disease(eradicates disease)

2) saves life

3) improve quality of life.


Social costs

1) allows time for parents to become prepared

2) not treated equally(changes the way people think about disability

Explain similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis. [6]


1) DNA replication



1) Produced in every body cell, but the Sex cells.

2) 1 cell division only produced

3) Same (2 sets) number of chromosomes from the parent cell and is genetically identical.

4) The function is to repair, repair tissues and growth.


1) produced in only sex cells.

2) 2 cell divisions

3) half(only 1 set of chromosome) the number of chromosomes from parent cells and have some genetic difference

4) The function is sexual reproduction.

1) where is the cell produced?

2) the amount of cell division?

3) the no. of chromosomes? Is the geneticsd the same or different from the parent cell?

4) function?

How does a chromosome become 2 strands?

DNA replicates

Explain why each chromosome must become 2 strands before the cells divides [2]

1 copy of each chromosome /Strand to each offspring cell

Each offspring cell receives a complete set/ same genetic material.

What are the disadvantages of stem cell research?

1 ) expensive

2) grow out of control eg. cause cancer.

3) rejected by body

4) may need to take drugs for the rest of your life.

How does a chromosome become 2 strands?

DNA replicates

What are the social issues of stem cell research?

1) saves life.

2) save costs.

3) medical research.

4) grow into any tissues.

5) help cure/ treat diseases.

6) large numbers can be grown

What are the advantages and disadvantages of embryonic stem cell?


1) Painless process

2) can differentiate into wide variety of diseases, can treat wide diseases.

3) many avaliable.

4) embryos discarded from IVF so why used them for research and save life?


1) no consent from embryo.

2) risk of damage to embryo.

3) risk of damage to mother

4) chance of rejection if DNA not similar.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of adult stem cell?


1) consent required

2) no risk of damage to embryo.

3) safer

4) quicker recovery

5) well tested so they know what they are doing.


1) painful

2) increase risk of infection


What are the advantages and disadvantages of embryo screening? 0
