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6 Cards in this Set

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describe how Water is absorbed
- most absorption of water is through the root hair cells, whcih provide a large surface area
- water is absorbed by osmosis from a higher water potential in the soil water to a lower potential in the xylem
how are ions absorbed?
diffusion and active transport
how does water move through the apoplast pathway?
through the cell walls and the spaces between cells
how does water move through the symplast pathway?
through the cytoplasm via plasmodesmata
how does water move through the vacuolar pathway?
from vacuole to vacuole in adjacent cells through the cytoplasm
How is the endodermis involved in the uptake and movement of water and mineral ions
- suberin is deposited in the cell walls and forms bands called Casparian strips in the endodermal cells, which block the apoplast pathway.
- mineral ions are actively transported into the cytoplasm of the cells through the symplast pathway - this lowers the water potential of the cells, causing water to move into the symplast pathway by osmosis.
- The endodermal cells actively pump ions into the xylem - this helps to generate a water potential gradient across the root, drawing water in from the soil.
- the endodermis allows the plant to selectively uptake ions from the soil.