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26 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 main components of an ASP.NET MVC application?
What does Model, View and Controller represent in an MVC application?
Model: Model represents the application data domain. In short the applications business logic is contained with in the model.

View: Views represent the user interface, with which the end users interact. In short the all the user interface logic is contained with in the UI.

Controller: Controller is the component that responds to user actions. Based on the user actions, the respective controller, work with the model, and selects a view to render that displays the user interface. The user input logic is contained with in the controller.
What is the greatest advantage of using asp.net mvc over asp.net webforms?
What are the advantages of ASP.NET MVC?
1. Extensive support for TDD. With asp.net MVC, views can also be very easily unit tested.
2. Complex applications can be easily managed
3. Seperation of concerns. Different aspects of the application can be divided into Model, View and Controller.
4. ASP.NET MVC views are light weight, as they donot use viewstate.
Is it possible to unit test an MVC application without running the controllers in an ASP.NET process?
Yes, all the features in an asp.net MVC application are interface based and hence mocking is much easier. So, we don't have to run the controllers in an ASP.NET process for unit testing.
Is it possible to share a view across multiple controllers?
Yes, put the view into the shared folder. This will automatically make the view available across multiple controllers.
What is the role of a controller in an MVC application?
The controller responds to user interactions, with the application, by selecting the action method to execute and alse selecting the view to render.
Name a few different return types of a controller action method?
The following are just a few return types of a controller action method. In general an action method can return an instance of a any class that derives from ActionResult class.
1. ViewResult
2. JavaScriptResult
3. RedirectResult
4. ContentResult
5. JsonResult
What is the significance of NonActionAttribute?
In general, all public methods of a controller class are treated as action methods. If you want prevent this default behaviour, just decorate the public method with NonActionAttribute.
What is the significance of ASP.NET routing?
ASP.NET MVC uses ASP.NET routing, to map incoming browser requests to controller action methods. ASP.NET Routing makes use of route table. Route table is created when your web application first starts. The route table is present in the Global.asax file.
What are the 3 segments of the default route, that is present in an ASP.NET MVC application?
1st Segment - Controller Name
2nd Segment - Action Method Name
3rd Segment - Parameter that is passed to the action method
ASP.NET MVC application, makes use of settings at 2 places for routing to work correctly. What are these 2 places?
1. Web.Config File : ASP.NET routing has to be enabled here.
2. Global.asax File : The Route table is created in the application Start event handler, of the Global.asax file.
What is the adavantage of using ASP.NET routing?
In an ASP.NET web application that does not make use of routing, an incoming browser request should map to a physical file. If the file does not exist, we get page not found error.

An ASP.NET web application that does make use of routing, makes use of URLs that do not have to map to specific files in a Web site. Because the URL does not have to map to a file, you can use URLs that are descriptive of the user's action and therefore are more easily understood by users.
What are the 3 things that are needed to specify a route?
1. URL Pattern - You can include placeholders in a URL pattern so that variable data can be passed to the request handler without requiring a query string.
2. Handler - The handler can be a physical file such as an .aspx file or a controller class.
3. Name for the Route - Name is optional.
What is the use of the following default route?
This route definition, prevent requests for the Web resource files such as WebResource.axd or ScriptResource.axd from being passed to a controller
How do you handle variable number of segments in a route definition?
Use a route with a catch-all parameter. An example is shown below. * is referred to as catch-all parameter.
Give 2 examples for scenarios when routing is not applied?
1. A Physical File is Found that Matches the URL Pattern - This default behaviour can be overriden by setting the RouteExistingFiles property of the RouteCollection object to true.
2. Routing Is Explicitly Disabled for a URL Pattern - Use the RouteCollection.Ignore() method to prevent routing from handling certain requests.
What is the use of action filters in an MVC application?
Action Filters allow us to add pre-action and post-action behavior to controller action methods.
What are the different types of filters, in an asp.net mvc application?
1. Authorization filters
2. Action filters
3. Result filters
4. Exception filters
When using aspx view engine, to have a consistent look and feel, across all pages of the application, we can make use of asp.net master pages. What is asp.net master pages equivalent, when using razor views?
To have a consistent look and feel when using razor views, we can make use of layout pages. Layout pages, reside in the shared folder, and are named as _Layout.cshtml
What are sections?
Layout pages, can define sections, which can then be overriden by specific views making use of the layout. Defining and overriding sections is optional.
what is razor view engine
This Razor View engine is a part of new rendering framework for ASP.NET web pages.
ASP.NET rendering engine uses opening and closing brackets to denote code (<% %>), whereas Razor allows a cleaner, implied syntax for determining where code blocks start and end.
Mention some of the return types of a controller action method ?
An action method is used to return an instance of any class which is derived from ActionResult class.
Some of the return types of a controller action method are:
i) ViewResult : It is used to return a webpage from an action method
ii) PartialViewResult : It is used to send a section of a view to be rendered inside another view.
iii) JavaScriptResult : It is used to return JavaScript code which will be executed in the user’s browser.
iv) RedirectResult : Based on a URL, It is used to redirect to another controller and action method.
v) ContentResult : It is an HTTP content type may be of text/plain. It is used to return a custom content type as a result of the action method.
vi) JsonResult : It is used to return a message which is formatted as JSON.
vii) FileResult : It is used to send binary output as the response.
viii) EmptyResult : It returns nothing as the result.
The Router Table is formed by following the below procedure:
In the begining stage, when the ASP.NET application starts, the method known as Application_Start() method is called.
The Application_Start() will then calls RegisterRoutes() method.
This RegisterRoutes() method will create the Router table.
diff between mvc and web forms
ASP.NET WebForms uses the page controller patterns to render a layout. Whereas, ASP.NET MVC provides a model that doesn’t have connection with the View so it becomes easier to test and maintain the applications.

-ASP.NET WebForms uses the Front controller pattern for all the pages to process the web applications requests and used to facilitate routing architecture. Whereas, ASP.NET MVC has the View that is called before the controller and this controller is used to render the View that is based on the actions as the user interacts with the interface.

-ASP.NET WebForms manage the state of the model by using the view state and server based controls. Whereas, ASP.NET MVC doesn’t manage the state information like WebForms.

-ASP.NET WebForms are event driven. Whereas, ASP.NET MVC are test driven.
ASP.NET MVC uses the namespace classes that as follows:
-System.Web.Mvc namespace: this consists of classes and interfaces that follows MVC pattern to create web applications. This includes the controllers, libraries, actions, views, models.

-System.Web.Mvc.Ajax namespace: this consists of classes that support the AJAX scripts and used in the web applications. This also include the AJAX related settings and options.

-System.Web.Mvc.Async namespace: this consists of classes and interfaces that provide asynchronous actions in the web applications.

-System.Web.Mvc.Html namespace: this consists of classes in the form of helper application and follows the MVC pattern. This includes the forms, controls, links, views and validations.