Why I Chose To Go To High School

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During my eighth grade year, I had to make an important decision: deciding which high school I wanted to attend. I had only one high school in my mind, which was Eastside High School because it was the school I was zoned to attend. Then, Carolina High School’s Engineering and Health Academy Magnet Coordinator came to my middle school and talked about the programs offered there. I visited three different schools to experience the atmosphere and environment. I asked questions about the academic programs, clubs, graduation rates, and what made them unique. In the end, I chose to attend Carolina High School over the other schools.
I was taking an enormous chance when I chose to attend Carolina because it was truly the first time I made a decision
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I had no idea what I wanted for my future--all I knew was that I liked math and science and had a creative mind. My parents then suggested that I look into engineering. I was not keen on the idea of engineering; however, as I continued my research, I found that it was actually interesting. My interest in engineering grew and I knew from that point I want to pursue it. Then, Carolina High School’s Engineering and Health Academy Magnet Coordinator visited my school and talked about the engineering program that was offered there. I saw the opportunity to start studying engineering early and I took it.
In Carolina’s engineering program, I took four courses: Introduction to Engineering Design (IED), Principles of Engineering (POE), Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), and Digital Electronics (DE). I learned how to design three-dimensional objects on modeling software, the production of three-dimensional designs, robotics, automated manufacturing, basic engineering processes, and the logic of electronics. The courses that had the most impact on me were IED and CIM because they drew me even more towards

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