Although it is a noble work to help the poor country without any expectation of reward, it is still disputed among the people. The author emphasizes that the United States is most rich and strong country in the world, but it is not the only country to solve the entire poverty of the global (Hardin, 290-291). Sometimes, American people can provide the room for miserable and poor people, but they cannot always do. If they were in trouble as they provide the room, the trouble might become more insoluble than a troublesome situation that they were only in the boat and made by themselves. For instance, if the people who newly embark in a boat don’t get going with the existing people, it is more complicated. Additionally,
Although it is a noble work to help the poor country without any expectation of reward, it is still disputed among the people. The author emphasizes that the United States is most rich and strong country in the world, but it is not the only country to solve the entire poverty of the global (Hardin, 290-291). Sometimes, American people can provide the room for miserable and poor people, but they cannot always do. If they were in trouble as they provide the room, the trouble might become more insoluble than a troublesome situation that they were only in the boat and made by themselves. For instance, if the people who newly embark in a boat don’t get going with the existing people, it is more complicated. Additionally,