A Significant Moment In My Life

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Significant event Turning sixteen was a major milestone in my life; it allowed me more freedom, responsibility, and transportation. one of the most important perks of turning sixteen is the little plastic card you get in exchange for your crumpled up driving permit. Nothing can beat the satisfaction of finally being able to drive alone. Without your parents, breathing over your neck and questioning every move you make, while they sit anxiously in the seat next to you. Those days of begging older siblings and family member for rides were no longer a worry. Finally, I could now be trusted by my parents to be a responsible young adult. Getting my license finally allowed me to feel free. The sense of being able to drive wherever and whenever …show more content…
I no longer looked at how far I had to drive or what the gas price is. I began using my car whenever I wanted without worrying about anything. Driving to school, every day allowed me the flexibility to leave and come back whenever I needed. I could stay after school for football practice and clubs without worrying about a ride home. I started to become more independent and found myself doing everything by myself. Getting my license was one of the most influential lessons that happened to me while growing up. I think that all teenagers should experience this because it allows them to gain
Important life lessons such as ownership and the value of hard work. Without this experience, I would not have learned how to budget, manage time, value money, and become independent. The ability to drive is not just fun in games but an important lesson for kids who need to understand the significance of growing up. Having possession of the little plastic card called a drivers license allowed me to experience freedom, independence, and taught be to be responsible. I could now drive by myself wherever I wanted without relying on others for a ride. The responsibility of owning a car and a getting a job usually comes a license, and every teenager should experience

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