Wes Moore: The Value Of Education

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My parents value education and they know that in other to have a better future, the first step is having an education. My mom would say that “working at McDonalds would not help pay the bills, put food on the table, and do everything that you want to. You have to go to school. You don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck for the rest of your life.” My parents’ values and beliefs help me choose the path that I’m on now. Their motivation, experiences, and struggle motivate me to work harder in everything I do, no matter how challenging things may seem. They taught me how to be strong and how to focus on what matters the most to me. This is the reason why I believe that our experiences, struggle, and our understanding of our environment help us …show more content…
Wes’s grandfather, Fred, “came to the States to fulfill [his] dream of a theology degree from an American University,” (Moore Ch. 1, pg. 14 of 92). Joy, Wes’s mother, went to the University of Washington D.C.in 1968 (Ch. 1, pg. 16 of 92). Also, Wes’s father Wes, went to Bard College in 1971 (Ch.1, pg. 30 of 92). Wes’s family was always there to encourage, guide, and support him in everything that he did. When Wes started to fail in school, his family (especially his mother, Joy) knew she had to help him before she lost him to all the chaos that were happening to young boys all around them. Every day young boys were arrested, killed due to gun and drug violence. Wes’s mother, Joy, saw no other choice but to send her only send to military school. In military school, Wes saw how much respect nineteen-year-old Cadet Captain Ty Hill received from his men, he realized he “was in a different environment…. [his] normal expectation were inverted…. leadership was honored and class clowns were ostracized,” (Ch.1, Pg. 51-56 of 102). It was in that moment, Wes started to take the right path and make better choices for his future. Wes became the youngest “regimental commander for the 70th Corps of Cadets…. the highest-ranking cadet in the entire corps of over seven hundred people…. he [was] responsible for their health, welfare, morale, and success” (Ch. 7, Pg. 24 of

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