Welcome To Leith Analysis

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Welcome to Leith
In the video “Welcome to Leith,” Michael Beach Nichols and Christopher K. Walker displayed Craig Cobb a white supremacist trying to take over Leith, a small town in North Dakota, where its residents no longer felt tranquility. They provide live videos from different kind of supremacist around the world and multicultural people who have been living in Leith, both describing each side of their story. In conclusion, these residents feel the need to take actions into their own hands but Cobb and his fellow white supremacist aren't scared to pass the line. Nichols and Walkers film open up two different worlds for us when racism and anti-racism meet, reevaluating just how far freedom of speech can stretch when everyone's beliefs, personality, and opinions differ.

Cobb one of the most powerful white nationalist, Neo-natzi had looked into Leith with the idea of creating a white supremacist community. And why wouldn't it be perfect, if there was a majority of white
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“People are taking for granted that someone like Cobb isn't going to do something to their children and I’m not going to take that chance”. Going back to the credibility of Cobb's character and known as one of the most racist men this evokes powerful interest as it shows that their lives and their families lives are in danger, it is an actual horror film for the residents. The way Cobb is able to get information about all the residents who are against him including phone numbers, house address, private and previous family events is more threatening than anything. It’s like knowing you aren't safe anywhere you go because they all know who you are, they know you are against them, and a lot of them aren't scared to use a gun and some are willing to

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