Weed Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays
My 15 year old son is the typical teenager, he spends 24/7 sticked to his IPhone, taking pictures to everything that crosses in front of him for Instagram/snapchat. You can imagine my face, when he arrived home and in joke tone, pronounced “-LEGALIZED IT BRO-”, Suddenly all conversations my wife and I have taken with him about drugs turned into dust. We have not anticipated that our son would be influenced by some wicked rapper potheads posting weed everywhere in the social media. I’m not sure if all conversations about the danger of marihuana has kept my son away from a big problem, The truth is that both my wife and I are so worry about the outside environment we cannot control, specially because in US anyone can get a medical marijuana card with no …show more content…
When you smoke pot, you get loaded. You fry your brain. That's why the patients I see in my practice, call it "getting baked." Pot is all about getting really high. Marijuana supporters like to argue that marijuana is similar to alcohol. While alcohol is legal, it also accounts for tens of thousands of deaths every year . But we can't turn the clock back on that problem, that unhappily is too embedded in our society. Nevertheless my concern today is that my children are exposed to one more hazard just because of legalization
Supporters of marijuana say it should be legalized because patients who have ailments like cancer need it. It is painful to watch people suffer. I am not against helping people. In a perfect world, a woman suffering from cancer should be able to get a prescription from her doctor, acquire her medical marijuana, and inhibit the pain of chemotherapy. But we don't live in a perfect world, and you don't need a Ph.D. to see that the spirit of that argument is being exploited by people who aren't using the marijuana for medical reasons at all; they are using it to get

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