Was President Trump: A Hero Or A Warmonger?

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A Hero or a Warmonger?
Was President Trump’s Airstrike on Syria Legal?

Trump has garnered a lot of attention since he has taken office. Some of his first executive orders as the commander and chief of the United States were carried out with huge backlash from the American and international community. His most recent decision as president was very controversial. President Trump launched a bombing strike in retaliation for Syria’s alleged use of chemical weapons on their own people. The world has been split in two by Trump’s decision to bomb Syria. One side praises his actions and applaud his bravery while the other side sees Trump’s decision as premature and illegal. From examining the findings, the bombing strikes on Syria
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Trump displayed a huge lack of respect for international and American law and carried out his own agenda with no awareness of the consequences of his illegal actions.

Trump carried out his bombing strikes without first, seeking approval from U.S Congress or the United Nations. According to the War Powers Act, enacted in 1973, American presidents are required by American law to consult congress before sending armed forces into combat. The War Powers Act also gives leeway for the president to respond to attacks or emergencies. It is this leeway that Obama and now Trump have used to their advantage. After the 9/11 attacks, congress gave George W. Bush power to attack any countries and groups involved in the attack. Obama used the same authority to fight ISIS which was an outgrowth of Al-Qaida. Trump then used that same authority to continue military action in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. It is this authority that Trump can use to justify his bombings but with very little legitimacy. Trump has the right to send armed forces to attack groups or countries involved with the 9/11 attacks. This means, Trump has the authority to attack the Al Nusra Front and their Free Syrian Army who are closely linked to Al-Qaida but has no right to attack the Syrian
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American people should ultimately decide whether or not America should intervene in the middle east, as it will be Americans who will pay for the costs of war. Trump did not seek approval from American lawmakers and also did not seek approval from the international community. Consulting the United Nations would have brought together “193 member nations” who could have collectively devised a much more strategic and peaceful plan of resolution. Trump’s decision to bomb Syria has left “7 civilians killed and 9 wounded” stated by the mayor of the Syrian Province, Hors; the province where the bombs landed. These casualties could have been avoided if Trump had consulted the United Nations and created a peaceful resolution. While Trump’s action can be seen as heroic by many people around the world, his actions are considered premature by many. When Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau was asked if

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