Gait Mobility Research Paper

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Key feature of our independence in performing daily activities as human beings is mobility, which is the ability to independently and safely move oneself from one place to another. There are so many tasks and activities that integrate with mobility such as: the ability to stand up from a bed or chair, to walk or run, and to navigate through often quite complex environments. Our mobility incorporates with gait speed to complete our activities in a certain time. If a person can perform and complete the full gait cycle during walking, he/she will be able to perform tasks and activities independently (1). On the other hand, mobility disability, which is defined as the inability to walk ¼ mile or climb a flight of stairs without assistance, is considered a major difficulty to perform tasks and activities independently. One of the age-related manifestations is impaired functional mobility in older adult’s gait, which include decrease in gait speed, step length, and excursion of movement at hip, knee, and ankle; and increase in
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Gait speed was measured according to functional ability of elderly, mobility, physical health status, general fitness, balance and risk of falling. Outcome measures such as six min walk test, Berg balance scale, timed up and go test, sit to stand performance have been used in these studies. The results have shown that the improvement of gait speed in elderly people improves their functional performance, general mobility, walking balance and reduces risk of falling. Therefore, gait speed is considered to be a functional vital sign.
Gait speed can be improved by regular gait training and/or strength training exercise. In my opinion, using a program of exercise training that include lower limb strength and mobility, balance, gait training and endurance can have a major benefit to improve gait speed in older

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