Voters: Should We Allow Everyone To Vote?

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How can allowing everyone to vote, regardless of their political knowledge affect the future of our nation? This is a very controversial topic, and it always has been. There are many different opinions from everyone, some believe only the educated should vote, but society often contradicts this belief with their earnest pleas for everyone to vote. We’ve always been taught education and knowledge are the bases of politics and power, but when we are voting we are imposing costs upon others not just deciding for ourselves, and uneducated voters have a disturbing effect on elections. Should the average American help decide our nation's leader?
Some refer to ignorant voters as “the equivalent to drunk drivers,” as stated by Sal Gentile, a multi-media web editor. When drunk drivers decide to drive they put everyone around them in a bad situation, when voters without political knowledge go to the polls they are essentially doing the same thing. Bad voters effect all of us,
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Americans as a whole aren’t stupid, we are simply misinformed, many voters are wrong about issues and the workings of our government which is completely different matter. Voters are very impressionable when it comes to the media, particularly social media. The media and politics have never been a good mix, the media spreads false information to get a reaction from Americans, they make no exceptions when it comes to politics. This election is especially filled with untrue information and assumptions, many people take these assumptions seriously and vote based on them. Others may vote for other reasons, such as for the fact that Hillary Clinton is a woman, or that they’ve seen Donald Trump on TV, which aren’t good or political ways to decide who to vote for. This is the reality of a large portion of votes, it’s

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