Use Of Ethos In The Weaknesses Of Aragorn's

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Throughout his speech, Aragorn imbeds ethos, logos, and pathos to encourage his army, facing the dark abyss of death. First, Aragorn uses ethos by just being himself, the king! A ruler must have credibility for himself, or he will not be respected by his subjects. Aragorn also has credibility from being the commander of the army, leading them into the fronts. Additionally, the king of Gondor employs when he says "An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down, but this is not that day! This day we fight!" (Aragorn's speech). It is logical for one to fight when he goes into battle, prolonging the time till the day when "the courage of men fails"(Aragorn's Speech). Above all, Aragorn's use of pathos causes

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