Upon My House Transcendentalism

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Man’s greatest invention: the wheel, Man’s worst invention: homework (especially on the weekends) The constraint from which reasoning entrapped differences to the freestyle hippie ideal of living now. Puritans soul search, self scrutiny, self-disciplined and moderate themselves for they praised the light of god. Deists rule to acknowledge what's there while opening the gate to individuality, staying curious but witty. To transcendentalists completely individualistic, self reliant, live in the now ideals that they find in being students of nature. Throughout the major literary philosophies in the United States, one can see how they continue in their own philosophical ways to interpret meanings in all things. and become aware of the individual. …show more content…
In Anne Bradstreet’s “Upon the burning of my house” she expresses her wavering emotions from her predicament. She comes to the conclusion to “ Raise up [her] thoughts above the sky/ that dunghill mists away may fly/ thou hast an house on high erect” (97). She has to think in a better light and let the “dunhill mist” fly off because she now envisions her house up above .Through her mixed feeling on the situation she evidently comes to the conclusion that this is what god has chosen for her so she accepts it as meant to be. “The crucible” is a non puritan written novel by Arthur Miller who makes great effort to write his story in the point of view of Puritans. In the novel Cheever spoke “he plow on sunday sir … I think it be evidence, John. I am an official of the court, i cannot keep it,” (1140). Puritans were not yet becoming of individualism or doing anything separate from the pack and instead saw it as a sin or crime. Cheever states Proctor’s rebellious tendencies and shares them to ruin Proctor’s credibility. Puritans interpreted life through god and satan while also seeing individualism as a

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