Turnaround In Macbeth

Decent Essays
In Act V Scene V, Macbeth and the seyton were having a conversation and they are interrupted as ‘a sudden sound of women’s cries is heard’. The seyton leaves and Macbeth is alone on stage. He has realises has ‘supped full with horrors’ but shows no remorse or desire to stop. The seyton responds to Macbeth’s question and says ‘The queen my lord, is dead’. Macbeth’s soliloquy shows she takes her death heartlessly. He doesn’t cry or appear to be heartbroken. He says’ she should have died hereafter’ .This implies that he has no time to mourn her as he has a battle to prepare for. He repeats, ‘Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow’, implying that he is only interested in his future and securing his place on throne. His marriage and their past, doesn’t

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