Transformation In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis

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Regardless of how good or bad they are, transformations are inevitable in a normal person’s life. In Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis, Gregor goes through his own metamorphosis that affects his whole family drastically. His transformation has a profound effect on his sister, Grete, and forces his parents to alter their way of living and eventually changes them as individuals. When forced and under pressure individuals often, unconsciously, take a path that will lead them to a better life. While Grete is rushed into growing up faster and taking care of her insect brother, her parents have their own reality check and are forced to deal with their life. Even though his family portrays Gregor’s change as a bad thing it leads them to eventually better …show more content…
Before their son’s transformation, the parents were solely dependent on him. They did not work, relied on Gregor’s income and merely sat in the house all day long having their maid to all the housework. Similarly to Grete, the parent’s metamorphosis starts right away when they see their son’s transformation for the first time. Even though they are curious about the condition of their son they deny him right away. Their change is not as drastic as their daughter’s but nevertheless noticeable. With the predictable money problems ahead, they both finally find work and start participating in this thing called life. With the father working as a bank attendant and the mother sewing for a boutique they are both forced to take part in society. At first, this change is hard on them and especially the father who describes his new transformation as sad. Eventually, they both find more joy in living their new life. Since Gregor’s metamorphosis forces them to go and get a steady income, the parent’s stop worrying about money and the whole mood of the family as a whole becomes easier and joyful. This can be clearly shown when Gregor dies his family is relieved and doesn’t have the constant burden on their shoulders. Therefore, the reader can see clearly that the main character’s transformation started the parent’s own

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