Tom Robinson Diary Entries Essay

Improved Essays
Saturday, 31st of October 1935
Dear Susan,

Today has been one of the hardest moments that I have had to face since your death. Right now I am in Jem’s room, sitting by his bed, watching over him as he sleeps. Hopefully, he is not feeling too much pain. As I look back at all of Tom Robinson’s trial and its consequences, I understand the real nature of man and its relationship with evil.

I will start from the beginning and tell you what I understand happened. Today the weather was unusually warm for the last day of October. Scout was performing in the Halloween theater piece at school and was dressed as a ham. I thought it was quite comical. Both Alexandra and I were tired, so I asked Jem to take Scout to the Halloween event and gave each of them 30 cents.

A few hours passed by and I remember reading the newspaper while listening to the radio. I apparently had the radio quite loud as Alexandra told me off. I was also pondering upon the different aspects and consequences of the trial.

As I was thinking of the Ewells, I heard a lurid, yet uncertain knocking on my door. I went to
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I skipped a heartbeat when I didn’t see her immediately, everything was happening so fast. I saw my little girl running to me, and a silent tear of relief ran down my cheek. She was safe. Other than a few minor scratches, she was fine. Her costume was tangled into a complex knot and looked utterly destroyed. She kept on asking if Jem was dead? She must have panicked, poor little girl.

Finally, the doctor arrived. According to Dr. Reynold, all Jem had was a bump on the head and a broken arm. Tate also came in, he reported that Bob Ewell was dead and that he had been stabbed with a kitchen knife. I was completely shocked. It took me a few minutes to gulp down the events of the day, as the information slowly connected in my mind. Good Lord, Ewell had tried to kill my Scout and Jem. He had wanted to kill my children. And, he almost succeeded to kill my children, my

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