To Kill A Mockingbird Pride And Prejudice Essay

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By: Preston Koski, English 10, Mrs. Sorenson, 10/27/15

Why do people judge others without knowing anything about them? Why do people base their opinions off a person’s lifestyle or color? I don’t understand why today people are constantly judging people on race. In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, whites are treating the coloured people like they are a whole different species even though they are all the same on the inside. In the book different types of prejudice are illustrated by the situations of Mrs. Dubose, Mr. Ewell, and Tom Robinson.

Some situations of prejudice are showed by Mrs. Dubose. After reading the book, she seemed to have an issue with Atticus supporting the coloured folks in the court trial.
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During the time before the trial, many people were mocking and making fun of Atticus calling him a “ Nigger Lover.” That just shows how racism and prejudice is being directed at Tom. “ Typical of a nigger to cut and run. Typical of a nigger’s mentality to have no plan, no thought for the future, just run blind first chance he saw,” said the community after Tom’s death (Lee 265). The community was acting like that was how the whole race of blacks acted. They thought it is how all blacks live their lives and do things like that. That is just the white community being judgemental just because of a person’s color. Tom’s death was just a incident of what happened to a black man, it’s not a coloured folks instinct to do what Tom did. People during this time period also seemed to blame the blacks for everything. They act like they were innocent so they look to blame another person for their problems, and it always was a black man taking the blame. “ I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella,” said Mr. Ewell (Lee 190). Mr. Ewell was blaming Tom for raping Mayella even though he didn’t see what happened. He showed up after the fact and saw Tom with her and instantly assumed that he did something. He didn’t look for no evidence of what actually happened. Mr. Ewell made up a story and stuck with it. He even brought …show more content…
Dubose and Mr. Ewell really jumped out at me. Lots of the prejudice shown was aimed at Tom Robinson. Back in the time of this story, prejudice was common aimed in the direction of coloured people. It wasn’t just a small chunk of people doing it, it was a large majority of them. All these people weren’t born prejudice, all the influence over timed made all the people be that way. Right now, in the present day, prejudice is still around in a variety of ways. People are still influenced by their elders and the people closest to them. Cults still form in hatred of a certain race or religion. All these forms of hatred have been around for centuries and they will still be around for much longer. The prejudice has for sure declined since the time this story takes place, but it will always still be around, unless something major persuades these prejudice people to think differently. All people are created equal, no one is created better than anyone

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