Pros And Cons Of The Constitution

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Ever since the Revolutionary War which has won the freedom of the newly founded country of America from the British, the founding fathers made the Constitution to create a new form of government after the Articles of Confederation failed to maintain a strong and stable government. From the day the Constitution was put into place, it has been added to by other laws and amendments which add strength between what the people, the federal, and state is allowed to do with some exceptions of the law. For more than 200 years, the Constitution has helped the United States of America to maintain stability even during the tough times of war and peace. The first reason is because of how the three branches of government are set up in the United States of America which is the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. The main roles of these three branches are that the legislature branch …show more content…
The constitution is indeed an old document dating back when the founding fathers who are now veterans of the Revolutionary War started the Constitution but the Constitution has been used for so long and their hasn’t been much change to it other than the amendments. Some critics might also agree that the government is corrupted where the bills being passed will only benefit the wealthy and powerful more than the average person. Since the bill goes through both House of Representatives and Senate, this might be true but the government tries to help the people even if that isn’t always true. Some critics will also agree that there are many loopholes in the Constitution because it doesn’t go over the laws for technology. This is true but the Constitution isn’t meant to stay the same for a long time but instead it can change to fit in the needs which people have and also let people voice their opinions and views in what is going

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