Thrasymachus Social Contract Theory

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Part IV: Strengthening Thrasymachus’ view In order to better help Thrasymachus, the best possible outcome will be to reconstruct his argument. The first claim will be that all people follow the laws set forth, regardless if such rules are good or bad. Why individuals to this can be explained with basic social contract theory that all people give up their unbounded freedom for protection. The sovereign, who in turn, in order to see to their safety, makes up such laws that help maintain order and protects the people. Offering this to the people they live in the society and follow the sovereigns rules and laws. It might be argued that although such things are true, why would any one want to live in a corrupt place where the sovereign makes laws …show more content…
That in Thrasymachus’ view the weak that follow the unjust laws are unjust because they do not change these laws. The answer to this is that the concept of good and bad, of just and unjust lies in one’s morality. That those who have the same moral views as the ruler will consider the laws to be just, and follow the laws even if they are weak. What makes them weak and wrong is only the current status quo. If one truly desires to change the world the need some type of MPP; and through this, with strategy, tactics, and luck they become the strong and thus they are right and …show more content…
The people accept laws because such things are considered for the good fog he populace. Through this perception the right and proper amount of the majority blindly give allegiance to the sovereign. Such pavlovian responses have been indoctrinated or encultured into the people or they accept because those with money, power, and/or prestige accept these laws. Individuals with these characteristics typically are strong and become rulers. All in a society accept laws because they consider some, if not all to be in their favor. All who accept laws do so because they think them to be just. Returning to our original claim, those who are in power, the rulers, the sovereign and the like have the acceptance and allowance to make laws. And since they make laws, and the laws are considered just; justice is an idea who’s definition and being resides in the

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