Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Theory Analysis

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The underlying theory of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is cognitive and behavioral theories. Cognitive theory deals with schemas or core beliefs that every person possesses. Core beliefs come from the way a person is raised by their family members and include culture, values, and morals. It is the way they have been raised to view the world since birth. These beliefs are ingrained into each family member.
Behaviors are believed to be taught through the environment (Chilcott, 2013). There are consequences for behaviors (i.e.) if the behavior is good, it will be rewarded, and the person will likely repeat that behavior which strengthens positive behaviors, but if the behavior is not good, the consequence will be negative and therefore the
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It is based on the theory that if a person can change their thoughts and their feelings, then they can change their behavior regarding those thoughts and feelings. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, along with using client centered techniques to incorporate client cultures and values provides a unique and personalized understanding of the client and the client’s worldviews, beliefs (including spiritual), cultures and traditions which can be incorporated into the therapy session to not only build rapport, but a trust factor between worker and client. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is useful in helping the client adjust to new situations, coping with stressful events (i.e.) medical diagnosis, lifestyle changes, anxiety, adaptations to new environments, etc. CBT is considered a brief therapy and is based on client thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; CBT is based on a strong therapeutic relationship between worker and client (Cully, Teten, …show more content…
For instance, if the client is thinking that a doctor in the U.S. is going to do more harm than good, then the client might be feeling anxious or scared and their behavior might be to leave before treatment, or to pull away when the doctor tries to place the stethoscope on their chest. If the Hmong people think that American doctors eat their vital organs and a Hmong patient is told they need surgery, they may feel terrified and their behavior may be to run out of the hospital shortly after they are told. Discussing what a client is thinking and feeling will help to ease the client’s mind and allow the client to provide feedback and ask questions to receive clarification about things that are not understood, or misconceptions they have come to believe. This is another way Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be

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