The Wizard's Tide Escapism Analysis

Improved Essays
The Development of Escapism: PYRZQXGL
During the 1930’s, an era of economic instability called the Depression occurred. Many people lost their jobs, the rich became poor, and the poor became poorer. People finally came to realize that reality is imperfect. A source of happiness as conveyed in Frederick Buechner’s novel was escapism. Teddy’s urge to escape emerges within Frederick Buechner’s novella, The Wizard’s Tide: a story, to show that escapism provides only a temporary diversion from the problems of reality to give the individual happiness. As the story develops, Teddy learns to focus on others’ happiness rather than on his own happiness ergo not relying on escapism any further and matures as an outcome of not relying on escapism.
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After his father’s death Teddy realizes that escapism is not the answer to any of life’s problems. He realizes that “Even on days when things like that happen, people finally have to go to bed just the way they do on days when nothing much has happened” (87). Through this tragedy, Teddy finally learns that escapism not only provides a temporary diversion but also gives himself a false sense of hope and happiness. As this tragedy occurs, Teddy chooses not to hide from his father’s death but embrace the fact that he now has to live a new life without his father. Teddy understands the fact that he must live life normally even when times are tough because escapism does not provide the individual with a solution. When questioned by Bean about the tide in The Wizard of Oz, Teddy answers that "It's the high tide” and it even brings home “Daddy," (103). With full consideration of Bean, Teddy decides to reveal the truth about their father’s death. Teddy now shows signs that he has fully matured. He no longer places his happiness ahead of others’ as he now has a larger role in the family because of his father’s death. Although Teddy does not fully let go of his father, he embraces his presents as if he were there without the use of

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