Specifically, this theme regards the aftermath of adopting a lifestyle governed by a heroic code. While much of what it endorses is righteous and upstanding, such as the qualities of being brave and courageous, there is a much darker side to the code that leads to exile and suffering. Furthermore, as evidenced in “The Wanderer”, within that suffering lies the inclination to refrain from speaking up. This is due to the fact that the code advocated that silence is valiant, and that seeking help was weak. Unfortunately, this stigma, though diminished, has traversed the centuries and is still visible in society today. It is particularly persistent in the military, as evidenced by the number of veterans diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that have committed suicide. These suicides indicate what could have been the end result for the wanderer, since the poem concludes with him still alone, still depressed, and devoid of a new Lord. Ultimately, an analysis of the rigorous Anglo-Saxon heroic code indicates that it can have caustic psychological effects, since it encourages the wanderer to “bind fast all his heart’s feelings” (173). However, an interesting perspective of the poem would be to attest that the wanderer did share his feelings via the narrator, consequently straying from the code and attempting to improve his mental
Specifically, this theme regards the aftermath of adopting a lifestyle governed by a heroic code. While much of what it endorses is righteous and upstanding, such as the qualities of being brave and courageous, there is a much darker side to the code that leads to exile and suffering. Furthermore, as evidenced in “The Wanderer”, within that suffering lies the inclination to refrain from speaking up. This is due to the fact that the code advocated that silence is valiant, and that seeking help was weak. Unfortunately, this stigma, though diminished, has traversed the centuries and is still visible in society today. It is particularly persistent in the military, as evidenced by the number of veterans diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that have committed suicide. These suicides indicate what could have been the end result for the wanderer, since the poem concludes with him still alone, still depressed, and devoid of a new Lord. Ultimately, an analysis of the rigorous Anglo-Saxon heroic code indicates that it can have caustic psychological effects, since it encourages the wanderer to “bind fast all his heart’s feelings” (173). However, an interesting perspective of the poem would be to attest that the wanderer did share his feelings via the narrator, consequently straying from the code and attempting to improve his mental