This novel follows a young girl named Maleeka Madison in her journey to finding confidence and pride in who she is. One of the utmost prominent quotes in this novel comes from Miss Saunders, who loves Maleeka for the one thing she hates about herself, her rich, dark skin. Miss Saunders addresses the way she feels about her own skin condition by saying, “Liking myself didn’t come overnight”. Furthermore, she adds, “I took a lot of wrong turns to find out who I really was. You will too.” I personally believe these words of wisdom from Miss Saunders are ones that would help me during my life. This is especially
This novel follows a young girl named Maleeka Madison in her journey to finding confidence and pride in who she is. One of the utmost prominent quotes in this novel comes from Miss Saunders, who loves Maleeka for the one thing she hates about herself, her rich, dark skin. Miss Saunders addresses the way she feels about her own skin condition by saying, “Liking myself didn’t come overnight”. Furthermore, she adds, “I took a lot of wrong turns to find out who I really was. You will too.” I personally believe these words of wisdom from Miss Saunders are ones that would help me during my life. This is especially