The Paradox Of Statutory Rape Is A Crime

Superior Essays
Statutory rape is a crime! Not everyone understands how deep the subject is, and what makes it so wrong? Why is it punishable by law? These crimes are considered especially heinous, in the court systems and we can fix it by lowering the laws so it’s just rape. These are the facts!
What is Statutory Rape? How would you define it? It is sexual intercourse with a minor. Even though someone could be 17 and their sexual partner is 18 and gave consent to have sex together. The parents could say it was statutory rape because one was “technically” a minor. The desire to protect a minor from predatory below a certain age, exploitative sexual relationships. For example When a student has a sexual relationship with a teacher. “ Intercourse obtained by
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It doesn’t make sense to be able to drive a car and put other people’s lives at risk but you can’t consent to something that is your choice. For it to be under the age of 18 and the partner has to be at least 3 years older than the other person, or also 18 and older. Recent surveys show the common age of teenagers first intercourse is 17 for women and younger for boys. This shows that a high percentage of teens are committing statutory rape everyday.
Why are the statutory rape laws so patronizing to girls? Well, in the beginning of time the women/ girls were viewed as “property” and the laws protected fathers if their daughters became less “valuable” property. So of course they were treated as “special property in need of Special protection”. The reasoning of this concept has tried to reduce the incidence of teen pregnancy and young mothers on welfare. The statistics go together with responsibility and accountability in their sexuality and parenting. There have been several times and places when living together, have
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When asking the average american on the street about statutory rape, more often than not they respond with a older guy having sex with a minor. Also when asked a response is “ An adult raping little children” but that is a whole other issue called “molestation”. So why older boys with younger girls? The average relationship in this era is older guys with younger women. A male’s maturity level at 18 is the same maturity level as a 16 year old female. The brain develops at a slower level. That is why this kind of relationship works so well. Studies show that males also lose their virginity at a younger age also. So is it really discriminatory toward males? Although yes, most people assume males are the instigators of sexual acts. Females can put just as much, if not more pressure for sexual things to occur. In an act of fitting in males often go along with female ideals. Along with the strong male ideals of females in their

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