I walked into the wooden building, or rather was pushed in from the crowd. I tried looking for Walter but it was hard to see with the swarm of people, so I started looking for the items we needed. I found some extra candlesticks that would come in handy, as well as some buckets. I had Sam figure out how much food to bring, he was always better at math than me as I tried to find some animals to buy. I eventually found out they were outside at the back of the store. I got the necessities for the animals and an extra saddle to replace that old one Silver had. Only after I had bought everything I realized we needed another two oxen. I could afford one, and a little more than half of the other, but that shopkeeper wouldn't budge on the price. I offered my goat, Spots, to him and he accepted, so I made my way back to our wagon with two more oxen, and one less
I walked into the wooden building, or rather was pushed in from the crowd. I tried looking for Walter but it was hard to see with the swarm of people, so I started looking for the items we needed. I found some extra candlesticks that would come in handy, as well as some buckets. I had Sam figure out how much food to bring, he was always better at math than me as I tried to find some animals to buy. I eventually found out they were outside at the back of the store. I got the necessities for the animals and an extra saddle to replace that old one Silver had. Only after I had bought everything I realized we needed another two oxen. I could afford one, and a little more than half of the other, but that shopkeeper wouldn't budge on the price. I offered my goat, Spots, to him and he accepted, so I made my way back to our wagon with two more oxen, and one less