The Nonconformist Views Of Ralph Waldo Emerson

Decent Essays
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a smart man. He's said a lot of things one can't help but to agree with and he words things beautifully. One of the things he wants to get across to his audience that really, really needs to be done more often in literature: his nonconformist views. I've never read anything I agree with more on this planet than his essay Self-Reliance. To say he want's to spread his nonconformist ideals is to sum up everything in the whole passage. To trust your instinct is to refuse to conform. To live wholly without the need to do what is thought to be the only way of life? That is to be a nonconformist. To put only what you think of yourself before all else that has been said about you? That is to be a nonconformist! To reject the

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