Since, love is innocently human; love is a singularity that can’t be defined. Therefore, when addressing the perception of gay marriage, one must first look at the meaning of marriage. The sanctity of marriage can be define in several different ways, through numerous perspectives. Although, many people judge the morality of gay marriage is morally wrong, due to the society’s perspective that marriage is profoundly presence between a man and a women. In addition, it would be ethically wrong to judge with the religious perspective of marriage being only between a man and a women. Further, establishing gay marriage would end in a failure from the bias views of society. According to the Pew Research found that 31% of public believes that homosexuality should be discouraged by society”. (Goo) Resulting that 31 % of these public votes are from people of strong religious belief. Expressly, for decades the LGBT community has been struggling for years when it comes to civil rights. Moreover, we need consider their rights to be married in the any form of their own choosing, whether it be in a church or a ceremony. Additionally, the LGBT community should be given the same rights as any other American citizen. Notably, our morals and the rights of joining in a marriage should not be dictated by religion. Instead, our county is built on civil liberties, in which should decree the quality of life for all people, considered equal in all views. In all respect, I believe that we must strike down the religious dogma, going against the same-marriage. “By opposing same-sex marriage on ground of religious freedom, you are telling gay people that they can believe in homosexual marriage, but not ever practice it. However, in a secular democracy, the will of the people and constitutional machinery must stand superior to the will of religion”. (Joshi) In fact, over the years supporters for gay marriage has grown. Since, many people’s views on the issues of gay marriage is shifting. This is due to the …show more content…
In effect to enjoying a shared lifestyle of two income as a family, the insurance and health benefit, tax filing as a couple, joint ownership and medical decision. As well as, property inheritance, family medical leave, military disability benefits and so much more. Furthermore, the homosexual community will no longer feel like a second class citizens, which was lowered by social standing. The LGBT community will no longer have their rights as citizens taken from them and their family. As written in our constitution, “we are all created equal”, this includes everyone, regardless of our sexual orientation. Henceforth, we should all support gay marriage to help gain the same basic human rights for