The Minister's Black Veil Summary

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Mystery of the Black Veil
“The Minister’s Black Veil” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a short story about a preacher, Mr. Hooper, started wearing a black veil to church and the congregation did not approve of him wearing the veil. Mr. Hooper wore the black veil the first time to a sermon where he preached about a secret sin. The congregation thought that Mr.Hooper might be going to a funeral and that was how he was showing his sympathy for the family. Later that same day Mr.Hooper showed up at a wedding with the veil still on. The people of the town asked Mr.Hooper if he would take the veil off and he refused. Mr. Hooper continues to wear the veil despite losing his friendships, his fiance, and frightening the townspeople. Mr.Hooper wore the veil for the rest of his life and fused to take it off at his deathbed. Hooper states "Know, then, this veil is a type and a symbol, and I am bound to wear
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Some people say that the minister is going mad or trying to hide from God. The mask could reference that Hooper has a mental problem or that he has something to be ashamed of so he is hiding from God. “Some think their minister has gone mad, and an old woman complains that he has ‘changed himself into something awful.’”(Cording) Cording is saying that the minister has changed, maybe from the Devil, into something awful. It also gives off the sense that he has gone mad and is going to the dark side. Minister Hooper also states “then deem me a monster, for the symbol beneath which I have lived, and die! I look around me, and, lo! on every visage a Black Veil!" This is a pretty vague quote but none the less important in the assumption of the minister going mad.

There are many valid theories about the significance of the veil. We will never know the significance and why that certain choice was picked. But, what we do know is that the author wanted everything to be mysterious. Therefore, the veil is a mystery and so is its

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