Confucius point of view was that the king doesn´t have to be absolute authority, but as a position holder whose role is connected to the subjects. The rite, the ceremony in word and gesture was for the master, it gave a bit of comfort and should always be …show more content…
However, it was always in doubt, to inner values. A woman´s position was quiet high in the past, which was, however, reduced by the feudal system . The result was a patriarchal society in almost all areas of life. Covered by social relationships, the importance of
Confucius was paid to the families behavior, as an example of the state.
Slide 1.5, Confucius theory, Source: My presentation
Like already above explained, the five relationships should improve the overall level in the families. But just to make it work, he had to break this theory down, to show that it will only work, when each individual improves. Like it is shown in the slide 1.5, there are three bodies,
Self, Family, and Country. He begun to explain on himself, if my mind is 100% perfect, that my speech will be 100% perfect and my body will give 100%. If the father of a family will be
100 % perfect, than the mother and son will be 100%, and if the king will be 100% perfect, than the government and citizens will be as well. But if myself, father or king will be just 50
% perfect, so the other parts will be 50%. So, according to this relation, he knew that just a well thinking and well acting king will rule the state in a proper way, what will reflect in …show more content…
By the monopoly of the communist party, there were no independent bodies which monitored securing individual rights. Chinese individual human rights advanced by the development of the country as a whole to ensure the survival and physical safety of the population .
China is one of the most impressive countries from the ancient times. According to its past,
China was doing well, even his territory was covered by some of state war periods. For some of the states was this the time where a change on the dynasty took place. The ruling house has lost the mandate of heaven ( the belief system at this time) driven by unacceptance of their population and a new dynasty started into the future.
Chinas future supposed to change with the time of Confucius. Confucius was a philosopher who paid attention to moral and social philosophy, ethics as well. His idea was to change the behavior within the human relationships. During his life time, he developed a theory which displays the five relationships within a family and society. With the beginning of teaching his theory, a new era began, called